help Hispanic students.Adriana: It practically smells likeFriday let’s see how the end isof week.liliana: temperaturesappears weekend they are going tofeel comfortable, we couldget to’s going to feel veryspring.liliana: however we haveboth ías, abbot and sundaywith editions with periods ofrain.early Saturday and Sundayin the afternoon but little wet inthe next ones.temperatures from 41 to 45 inour area.above average and inthe next hours we willcontinue with dry conditionsand tomorrow sunny again.a little cold the morning and foron the weekend there is rainwe will enjoy temperaturesspring areces especiallyon Saturday.the temperatures continuecomfortable safe the night butlook how we wake up tomorrow,from 29 to 30 for areas of thecity.we will be on the point offreezing or low pointfreeze get ready for afreezing the afternoon the next ones will befrom 41 to 43.then the rain closes in on thedawn on Saturday.there is snow for oxxo areas andnew york temperatures arethey will keep very close to 50.when is this happeningrain and then we could see53 to is until 5:00 pm that thesystem starts to exitzone.Sunday the rain comesbetween 8:00 pm.tomorrow is going to feel earlybetween 29 to 30, one morningfreezing and we also wantsend greetings to ourpeople who see us alland share your and light wake usthey sent this photo fromclinton, new jersey.share your photos throughthe web page.or in my social networks tomorrowsunny, at 43.