week.factor: let’s start by talking aboutcoronavirus.the daily average number of caseskeeps going down all over thenacón, however,authorities do not lower their guardand remain on alert dueto the threats it representsthose of the variants.john hopkins university,the daily average number of infectionscan 100,000 cases or perbelow those and soon thenacón.a figure that was not viaon November 4 of the yearpast, however, thevariant of the virus isspreading rapidly.according to a new study ofcontagion is doublingevery 10 years.in this situation, the processof vaccination faces arace against the clock.in new york, people areeligible to be vaccinated,our colleague, we have whatrecent wings.reporter: we are inla 50 madison en manhattanwhere are the apartments,according to information thatwe obtained by officers whoThey are working around hereout of 400 people schedule an appointmentto get vaccinated here today.of these 300 already vaccinated inwhat goes on today.Governor Andrew Cuomo,announced that at 100,000doses of the vaccines had beenadministered toNew Yorkers, until 11:00this morning a total of102,907 people received thefirst and second dose ofvaccine.in addition, the governor reportedthat those people withmedical conditions that chargeincreased health risk fromcoronavirus may startfrom today to register fordating on state sitesof massive vaccination.health conditionsEligible include, Cancer,obesity, hypertension and othersheart diseases,conical kidney disease,diatic, elule anemiasickle, disabilitiesdevelopment intellectuals,an immunosuppressed state.univisón news 41 spoke withone of the ladies who came toget vaccinated today, this is whathe told us.qualified by age andqualified because I work withcourts, I’m in touchwhen i go to work.reporter: if you wantfind out if you qualify to receivethe vaccine can enter theágina covid19 vacunas.gov.