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all the cardiovascular benefits. Talk to the cardiologist

“In the United States there are medical schools, not philosophical ones, in which meditation sessions are inserted in post-infarct rehabilitation”, recalls Dr. Flavio Doni

Fare yoga can prevent the heart risk, but not only: there are many positive effects on the cardiovascular level of this ancient oriental practice. “The benefits of yoga for the heart derive substantially from the ability that a practice done properly has to modulate the vegetative nervous system, determining an enhancement of the parasympathetic component”, he explains to Official Active Dr. Flavio Doni, cardiologist and marathon runner, head of the Marathon Center at the Palazzo della Salute – Wellness Clinic in Milan.

How it happens?
“This effect is achieved through the meditation and the mindfulness practice of one’s body which is inherent in yoga. All the exercises of attention and mindfulness have a beneficial effect on parasympathetic system, which counteracts cardiovascular mortality. In the case of a heart attack, in fact, the parasympathetic nervous system modulates the sympathetic one, preventing any arrhythmias and protecting the heart. And then there is breathing. All the breathing techniques that are applied in yoga are techniques that modulate the parasympathetic system. As the intermittent breathing technique, which allows to reduce the heart rate at rest over time “.

How is it practiced?
“You sit comfortably, with your back straight and your hands resting on your legs. You inhale for two seconds, then stop breathing for two seconds, then resume inhalation for two seconds, stop for another two seconds and proceed in reverse with exhalation: two seconds of exhalation and two seconds of pause , and so on. This work has a positive impact on the heart ”.

What other benefits does yoga have on the cardiovascular level?
“Yoga also affects the emotional part of our nervous system, the sistema limbico, where the amygdala and hippocampus are located, seat of emotions, memory and fear. The relaxation techniques of yoga have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the limbic system because they have a relaxing effect on the functionality of this part of our brain that is not directly controlled by the will. This indirectly promotes a reduction in heart rate, one vasodilation of the circulatory system and a reduction in the values ​​of the blood pressure. In the United States there are medical schools, not philosophical ones, in which meditation sessions are inserted in post-infarct rehabilitation for all this series of effects. In addition, numerous yoga exercises, stimulating awareness of the body and movements, promote coordination and balance, indirectly doing good for the heart, which is working in a body that has a harmonious and stable behavior “.

Do positions that favor chest expansion have a cardiac benefit?
“Indirectly, yes, because they produce an improvement in respiratory function which is followed by a positive impact on the heart”.

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05 February 2021 (change February 05 2021 | 15:13)

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