Three times a year blood drives are organized by the French Blood Establishment (EFS) in the town of Villemur. In order to boost and give more importance to these collections, the voluntary blood donors have just created an association in the municipality affiliated with the Departmental Union of Haute-Garonne (UD 31), itself affiliated with the French Federation for the Volunteer Blood Donation (FFDSB) which is recognized as being of public utility and which works in partnership with the EFS
Christian Huerta, departmental president specifies: “It is proven that the presence of an association in a municipality contributes to the increase of donors. For some time we were looking for volunteers ready to invest. Béatrice, Sylvie and Quentin already donors of sang were present and were kind enough to embark on the adventure.
We thank them for that and we stand by their side for the success of this endeavor. “
The role of this association is to ensure the promotion of blood donation in the municipality and to welcome donors to collection sites.
A collection is organized on Monday February 8 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Bernadou room, a new collection is also scheduled for May 20.
You will be asked to respect the rules imposed by the “Covid-19” distancing, hand washing, wearing a compulsory mask and to greet each other without shaking hands. Due to the curfew at 6 p.m., bring a derogatory certificate and an identity document.