D66, SP, GroenLinks, PvdA, PVV and ChristenUnie have asked Minister Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) that in parliamentary questions.
The rumor had been circulating for some time that the House of Orange would have interfered with the Poch case. At the beginning of this week, the independent Machielse committee published a report on the role of the Netherlands in that case.
It also stated that a woman who claimed to speak from circles around the Royal House had interfered in the case in 2007. This was done through Eurojust, which played a facilitating role in the investigation. The woman said the issue would be “so painful for Máxima” and asked if the case is “necessary”. The investigation against Poch was not known to many people at that time.
The Machielse Committee has inquired about the matter, but that has yielded nothing. The MPs believe that the call “can be seen as an attempt to influence an ongoing criminal case”.
The Argentinian Dutchman Poch was arrested in Valencia in 2009 and extradited by Spain to Argentina a year later. Poch was suspected of crimes against humanity there. He was acquitted in late 2017.
Lunch Update
An update of the most important news every day during lunch.