The fourth and final wing of LFR Castle Nathria opened this week, allowing players to face off against Sire Denathrius, and the official World of Warcraft twitter has shared a series of infographics to help players defeat the corrupt master of Revendreth. While these tips aren’t likely new to anyone who has already been progressing through Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulties, they’re nice reminders and well laid out to help less experienced players make it through the final encounter of Castle Nathria.
Each of the three highlights a different phase of the final encounter, not completely explaining mechanics, but reminding players what to watch for – removing the Fardeau du péché with Souffrance purificatrice in Phase 1, moving away from Denathrius during Main de la destruction in Phase 2, and avoiding a quick death from Souffrance destructrice in phase 3. They also just kind of look nice.
If you’re after a less vague explanation of mechanics with exact strategies and role specifics tips though, make sure to check out our strategy guides for Sire Denathrius and the rest of Castle Nathria, which covers all difficulties including Mythic! Our Fatboss guides cover the basics for every encounter, including an overview of Mythic difficulty changes and strategies.
We also have Mythic specific guides made by BDGG, which go into more exact detail applicable to Mythic-only. So far, the first six have been released, with the remainder coming soon!
Mythic Shriekwing GuideMythic Hunstman Altimor GuideMythic Hungering Destroyer Guide
Mythic Artificer Xy’mox GuideMythic Sun King’s Salvation GuideMythic Lady Inerva Darkvein Guide
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