parking meters. in 15 minutesregreó con masselian: the state and city ofnew york get ready forannounce a partial reopeningof the restaurants. Richardpriests is in manhattan and hasall the details about whatis happeninggreetings and good morning. thepartial reopening ofrestaurants in the counties ofthe big apple and everything againstthe governor himself and hadto recover this by 25% andeverything concerns 10:00 pmthe argument points out thatprohibition of eatinginterior violates rightscivil and constitutionalbecause the state allows theI also consume in otherregions of the territoryNew Yorker. the governoranticipated planning aseries of meetings with theown mayor and leadersfrom the restaurant to preparea reopening plan.the announcement went very wellreceived by theguilds that groupmerchants and leaders ofrestaurants because there