Council approves economic plans.
From an economic point of view, the municipal utilities in Bad Sckingen have to be considered together with Tourismus GmbH. Because the mother Tourism GmbH lives from the transfers of their daughter Stadtwerke GmbH. In its most recent meeting, the municipal council approved the economic plans of both companies for this year without discussion.
Tourismus GmbH expects 1.73 million euros this year as profit transfer from the municipal utilities. Of this, around 340,000 euros should remain in profit at the end of the year. 834,000 euros have been budgeted for the second section of the renovation of the swimming pool in the forest pool. Of this, 400,000 euros are to be financed through credit. The debt repayment is said to be slightly higher at 406,000 euros.
Stadtwerke wants to generate 2.79 million euros in profit this year. That is a little more than 2020. The company plans to invest almost 5.9 million euros this year. Of this, 1.15 million euros go to the renovation of the municipal utility building, almost 2.4 million euros to renovations and new buildings for electricity and gas supply and 670,000 euros to new heat pipes and the renewal of the supply lines in the old town. As can be seen from the submission of the city administration, these investments are to be financed predominantly with outside capital. The municipal utilities plan to take out loans totaling 5.4 million euros. According to the administration, this will lead to a further deterioration in the equity ratio.