we went with rafa so thattell us is related toweather conditions.Rafael: Thank you very much andgood morning to all of you.I show you how thecurrent conditions, I’m leavingzoom in on the new jersey case,do not rule out a littlerain or even flakesnow in parts of the rainfrozen, if I get closer to thewest, route 80 westheading to Pennsylvaniawe could notice what theequal precipitation in theon new jersey,precipitate by thewinds in our area.we have cloudiness andtemperatures in42, the real sensation is32, 33 in South Newjersey and despite being inall 42, we feel less thannormal range, that’s whyday we had a dayliar because it is uslying the temperaturesthey say one thing and theermic sensation tells usother.the little ones in the section34 with sensation in the 28 years30 and for tomorrow we talk aboutpartially conditionssunny with sensationsclosing to what he saystherometer, 40 and not for theThursday and we continue with 40 onFriday.the therometer descends,turn 31 on Saturday,temperatures freeze before andSaturday and Sunday and that’s whywe can be monitoringthe little ones on Sunday agoMonday because we see thepanorama we havesleet as a result of