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What exhibitions to see so as not to get stuck in a painting

But then it is enough for me to approach another exhibition of the same museum, that of the Argentine artist Leon Ferrari, to understand that the universe is a messy room in which the human being clings to any fanaticism in the hope of not losing his footing, and that this leads him again and again to ruin, and goodbye inner peace, hello Lexatin. Now the question is how it is possible to believe first one thing and then the opposite, and the answer is because both ideas are true, at least for all the time that we are seeing the works of art that sustain them. And also later, when we keep thinking about them, and therefore we carry them inside, and sometimes there they stay forever with the others.

More art, more ideas? At Prado Museum there is an exhibition called Guests, and at the CA2M in Móstoles another entitled History of art, and between the two of them they tell us something that also says Fran Lebowitz in the Netflix documentary Suppose New York is a city, that we are all watching these days with a well-publicized fascination on social networks (and why not, if it would have to be a piece of firewood not to be hypnotized by that portent?). Lebowitz says that being a woman has meant one thing for millennia, but now suddenly, in light of movements like #metoo, it means quite another. This paradigm shift is one of the most exciting in history, and we should be delighted to have witnessed it, more than anything because several generations before us have been waiting for it to always stay with a span of noses.

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