Home » Health » An explanation for why stress can worsen the condition of diabetes sufferers

An explanation for why stress can worsen the condition of diabetes sufferers

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – For sufferers Diabetes, the main key to keep the body in shape is to control blood sugar levels.

Conditions will be less than prime when blood sugar levels ride. The most important thing that must be done so that blood sugar does not increase is to maintain a diet and lifestyle.

But, is that enough? Apparently not.

Illustration of diabetic wound on the leg (Shutterstock / ROOMPHOTO)

In addition to nutritional intake, you may be curious about why blood sugar can rise even though you have eaten and drunk nutritious intake, not consuming foods and drinks that worsen your diabetes condition.

The answer is, you may experience stress.

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Reported by Tribun Jogja from the Healthline page, stress has a relationship with diabetes. Diabetes cure is a lifelong process. This can add stress to your daily life.

Illustration of blood sugar level test, diabetes
Illustration of blood sugar level test, diabetes ((SHUTTERSTOCK / Proxima Studio))

Stress can be a major barrier to effective glucose control. The stress hormones in your body can directly affect glucose levels.

If you are under stress or feel threatened, your body reacts. This response raises your hormone levels and causes your nerve cells to flare up.

During this response, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol into your bloodstream, causing your breathing rate to increase.

Your body directs blood to the muscles, allowing you to fight the situation. Your body also may not be able to process glucose released by nerve cells that work if you have diabetes.

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If you can’t convert glucose into energy, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. This causes your blood glucose levels to rise.

Illustration of people in a state of stress
Illustration of a person in a state of stress (tribunjogja.com)

When sufferers Diabetes Type 2 is under mental stress, he generally has elevated blood glucose levels.

People with Diabetes type 1 may have a more variable response. This means that he can experience increase or decrease blood sugar levels.

When you are under physical stress, your blood sugar can also increase. This can happen when you are sick or injured. It can affect people with Diabetes type 1 or type 2.

(Tribune Jogja | Fatimah Artayu Fitrazana)

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