No stress in the village hall which hosted, this Monday 28 December, the last collection of the year. Quite the contrary. The device was already that of the 28 September, with appointment scheduling, compulsory mask, hand disinfection and physical distancing, reassuring precautions that make Hervé and Éric say : “ There is no risk in giving “.
This fundraising has therefore not dampened the sense of utility, the civic gesture of loyal donors or that of newcomers, who are also convinced that it is important to continue to give, and more particularly in this unprecedented period.
Among the 70 people who came (58 of them were recognized as suitable for donation during the preliminary interview). There was the Ouveillanais Clément Roujas, player of the AOCS, and the Sallèlois Romain Moya, volunteer firefighter of the rescue center, whom the president of the local association, Michaël Boffet, warmly congratulated.
For the Perpignan team of the French Blood Establishment, “ generosity must continue to avoid a drop in reserves “, and all the staff from Julien at the reception, to Malik at the snack, through Laurie and Isabelle at the interviews and all the nurses, put the small dishes in the big ones.
The snack presented sweet and savory delicacies, much appreciated after the donation, while the friendly offered the wreaths and pancakes offered by the bakery of the Grand-rue.