On December 27, the British portal The Sun revealed an interview with British pop star Rita Ora, where the 30-year-old singer revealed her deep fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
The obsession that the artist claims to experience, and that pushes her to constantly look for signs of the disease, would have its origin in the ordeal she went through taking care of her mother during her cancer treatment, which in the end caused a post traumatic stress disorder (TEPT).
Rita Ora’s mother, Vera Sahatciu, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, required chemotherapy, radiation therapy and a partial mastectomy to treat the disease. The singer was barely a 15-year-old teenager when she took on the task of supporting her.
“My mother fought against [cáncer] twice and i had a lot of different emotions […] I felt a lot of responsibility to step up and become a strong teenager. I wanted to protect my mother, ”he said.
“The backlog of cancer treatments is insane. And some people are too scared to go to the hospital, which is totally understandable, but you have to go get a checkup, “he added.
The fear of developing the disease in the future led Rita Ora to undergo a test BRCA, to determine if it carried the hereditary cancer gene.
“I still check myself regularly. Genetically, there was no history of breast cancer in my family before my mother, but she still had it, ”she said, justifying her distrust of the negative result.
“I see these things that say that it does not have lumps, but my mother did not have a lump, she had a sharp pain and even so she went and they checked her,” she said.
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