It started with mind-boggling images: caregivers, protected from head to toe, were mobilized to fight against a disease that they did not fully understand. The coronavirus has just taken hold of our lives. Faced with this invisible enemy, the French are now forced to break their habits by adopting many barrier gestures. It is no longer possible to live as before. The number of victims is racing. The staff are exhausted, close to breaking up.
“When we come home, we are always in these images of what we did at work, did we do well, did we do enough? We can’t eat anymore, we can’t sleep anymore, we cry in our car“, confides Camille Vilbois, health executive at GHR from Mulhouse Sud Alsace (Haut-Rhin). On March 16, Emmanuel Macron declared: “We are at war“, before announcing the first confinement. Stunned, the country develops a surge of solidarity. A ritual also takes place: every evening, at 8 p.m., the French thank the caregivers by applauding them. After 55 days, a deconfinement progressive is introduced. At the end of October, a second confinement was imposed following the increase in contamination. Finally, the tests became widespread, before the imminent arrival of the vaccine.
The JT
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