Sometimes video games have peripherals to enhance the immersion and experience, but many times these are a sign of failure. We tell you some of the worst that we know, in this note!
Virtual reality, instruments of Guitar Hero and Rock Band and the motion controls are peripherals that have the potential to elevate some games and make them incredibly fun and memorable experiences. However, these experiments do not always go well, and many times they lead to horrible, uncomfortable experiences, and sometimes they even found companies. Here’s our list of some of the worst video game add-ons that are going to make your hair stand on end.
Guitar Hero On Tour
The saga Guitar Hero It was a giant in the twilight of the generation of PS2, and Activision he was dying to be able to bring this success to portable consoles, as a “tour”, to continue with the rock metaphors. For this they created Guitar Hero On Tour for Nintendo DS, perhaps the worst game in the series, with an incredibly boring playlist in horrendous versions, but nothing was as terrible as the peripherals that came with it. The worst was by far the “grip” that you had to put in the GBA port and hold with the console that did not turn on quite well and left it “dancing” so that the game crashes you at any time and forces you to reset. However, what was basically a normal guitar pick, with all the potential to scratch your screen, is also not far behind. The worst – if you had a DS “fat”, a DSi or a 3DS the peripheral directly did not work because it had no physical space. Okay.
Sega Activator
Sega does what Nintendon’t! Or something like that. This is one of those inexplicable peripherals that you do not know where to start to say why they do not work. The idea was that you put together a kind of octagonal platform in front of your TV and each “side” represented a button. So, instead of moving your fingers over a joystick, the idea was that you flap like a fool in different directions to represent everything you touched. More effort, less precision and less fun! This is a great gift if your mom wanted to convince you to go play outside … and yes, before I play this…
The history of Kinect it’s epic because it combines futurism, ambition, and nearly destroying an entire generation of consoles and a brand in the process. In full fury of the motion controls and success of the Wii, Microsoft and PS they answered with their alternatives. He Move of PS It is a failure to forget but it does not even reach the heels of Kinect, which proposed to play with movement without using control of any kind, just a camera. Sometimes it was an amusing curiosity, sometimes a vague crap. Several games tried to make use of this technology without much success, and Microsoft argued that the problem was that since not all consoles had Kinect, the developers didn’t give it the attention it needed. So when he launched the Xbox One, to the thousands of problems he already had, he was added Kinect next-gen version that finished cementing its price at $ 499 USD at launch. It did not take long for Microsoft to give up, and remove the peripheral from its console in order to reduce the price. The failure of the Xbox One forced Microsoft to change forever and rethink your entire console strategy after selling a third less than PlayStation 4, one of the most successful in history. Of course, we will always have the songs of Star Wars Kinect.
uDraw Game Tablet
Many of these peripherals are catastrophic, but this is in particular the one that has the privilege of having managed to melt a company despite not being specifically horrible technology. This tablet launched in 2010 for Wii, and eventually came to PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011, and proposed to be able to use your consoles to create art, draw, and target the precious casual market. Specially in Wii, the gadget was not badly received and many media praised the proposal. The problem came when THQ, which in those years was one of the great giants of the industry, overestimated the market that such a product could have and exceeded the units produced. The company went into a spending hemorrhage that led to the cancellation of games, sale of franchises, and its various parts having to be sold to cover this million dollar mistake.
Power Glove
Nintendo experimented with motion controls long before the launch of the Wii, and the first time was in the 8-bit generation. He Power Glove it’s legendary for being a mess, malfunctioning, and being a lousy control system for games that clearly would have worked better with a traditional joystick. It was incredibly inaccurate, terribly expensive, peculiarly ugly, and even setting it up was just not worth the job. The funniest thing was that the first time we saw it was in the movie The Wizard 1989 where the antagonist of the story presents him with the line “I love Poweglove … it sucks“, Which surely in the writer’s mind sounded cool and good bad boy, but in fact it perfectly echoed our feelings.
Surely you can think of a thousand more, so tell us which are the worst peripherals in the comments section.