Sometimes when she is sad, singer Kathy Boyé hums. And yet, she would have hoped for a whole different turn of song in this end of the year that nobody expected. The Christmas period, generally auspicious for singing or celebrating, especially in gospel music, looks grim. In her studio in Bressols, Kathy Boyé does not hide her concern: “It is becoming really worrying, at the moment, it is very clear, I no longer have any scheduled date.” And as proof, last year, in December, Kathy had nineteen concerts on the agenda for the month, this year none: “You have to put yourself in the place of the organizers, with the gauge, they cannot maintain, I understand everyone’s position. ” But it is by projecting a little further that the anxiety increases: “I no longer have a date at all, no more legibility in the future, it’s really scary.” And to add: “Today, our sector is the one that is the most half-masted, gagged, put to sleep, because it represents the social bond, the group meetings, the contact with the others.”
A letter to the senator
In this suffering world, Kathy Boyé does not remain impassive: “We are asked to make efforts but we have not had any income for several months.” With the feeling of being vampirized, drowned in amalgams, the singer addressed a letter to Senator Lévi: “I would like from the bottom of my heart that you take decisions which allow us to live decently and which above all allow us to know that we have our place and a future in this coming society. ” Because the world may not be the same as before. In the meantime, Kathy has recorded a gospel song, with an upcoming album, in February, which will be called “Connected”. A great project: “I made a fundraising appeal, I’m doing an album created around hope.”
An initiative to become aware of others as well as of oneself. A wink from Kathy who wishes everyone happy holidays.