As every year, correspondence from parents of students and mayors rained on the offices of the Department of Education in order to schedule repair work in the establishments, to ensure school transport, heating and hot meals. , in addition to providing schools with teaching materials.
The school level that suffers the most is undoubtedly the primary. Its management is entrusted to APCs which endure the scarcity of financial resources and which bend under the weight of the daily problems of citizens. Schools suffer mainly from the dilapidated state of equipment and infrastructure.
In the other levels which benefit from budgets and a certain level of management autonomy, in this case the middle and secondary level, it is worth mentioning the management of certain directors which is pointed out by teachers. and trade unionists. Some heads of establishments prefer to return parts of the budget to the public treasury while “the walls and ceilings of their establishments are falling to pieces” and register several basic shortcomings. “They define good management by being the least expensive possible, and this even before we reduce the budgets of these institutions following the financial crisis”, says a teacher, while there are still problems daily life to be taken care of, such as repairing a window or a stove, changing lamps, reinforcing a wall threatening to fall, building the parking lot and repairing the plumbing of the toilets.
The P / APW also mentioned, during the last session, the difficulties encountered at all levels with the financial controller, which discourages many companies from engaging with institutions and administrations in general.
Admittedly, the Department of Education has a great responsibility in the establishment of better conditions of schooling for the pupils, by providing them with teaching means and ensuring the follow-up of the progress of its projects. It is the task of the programming and monitoring service which is responsible for registering the infrastructure needs in the wilaya by developing an investment plan in the field of school construction and the establishment of new infrastructure as well as monitoring. school buildings.
Perpetual pressure
The needs of the wilaya of Béjaïa in terms of new establishments are around fifty infrastructures at all levels. The establishments which are under construction suffer from a glaring delay. Other projects have not even been launched, which puts the Education Department under pressure each time the school year begins, in order to resolve the problems of overloading classes and replacing establishments whose structures are dangerous for the school. student life, like CEM Tahiat Ahmed from Kherrata and CEM 800/300 from Semaoun. These two structures are in a “catastrophic” state. In some areas, the DE registers a strong demand for the opening of preschool classes. The average occupation is 25 students per class.
But this does not reflect the reality across the entire territory of the wilaya, because in most regions, schools suffer from saturation, says the SG of the DE.
The education sector must know the involvement of several departments of the wilaya such as the financial controller and especially the DEP which is responsible for the realization of public facilities. Several projects have come up against the thorny problem of land. In this regard, the elected Zahir Attouche proposed a solution that is within the reach of the administration.
It consists of using the surplus space available to certain schools. The report of the APW education commission, chaired by Mabrouk Azibi, notes that out of “16 registered school groups, 13 have not yet started in El Kseur, Tazmalt, Béjaïa, Akbou, Tibbane, Akfadou and and Tifra”. “The commune of Béjaïa, which is an area of tension, has benefited from 4 school groups, but which have still not been started. In Aokas, a school group was not launched because of the choice of land.
As the land to receive the Sidi Boudraham school group risks being squatted, work will not be launched immediately and the same goes for the 4 school groups registered for Ighzer Ouzarif, including 3 with the code of the DEP not launched ”notes the commission. Azibi Mabrouk specifies on this subject that most of these projects “require a reassessment because of insufficient program authorization, proof which serves just to postpone the programs”.
In the middle cycle, at least three CEM projects are not launched. At the secondary level, the DEP, Sonelgaz and DTP are lagging behind in the completion of the VRD of the Bouhkim high school, commune of Ighram, and that of Sidi Boudrahem. Recognizing the peculiarity of this new school year, the chairman of the committee insists on the fact that the anti-Covid-19 health protocol cannot be supported only by the APCs, in particular, in the 563 primary schools.
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