With his carefree lifestyle on the line, a wealthy seducer poses as a ranch laborer to try to get a farmer to sell him her land before Christmas. This is the synopsis of Christmas in california, one of the many movies that Netflix has released these days set in the Christmas period.
With the promise of an important position in the family business, Joseph travels to rural California to convince Callie to sell her property. But due to an accident with his clothes on the farm he is mistaken for the new employee, something that he does not deny with the intention of using it to his advantage.
In a short time, the wealthy young man meets the women who live on that ranch and understands that there is no figure that can make Callie give up her home and the memories of her father, who died in a car accident with her daughter’s fiancé. .
The more time Joseph spends in that place, the more he falls in love with Callie and the less he remembers his initial purpose, which has his mother, the president of Van Aston Enterprises, very uneasy, who threatens to go and fix the problem herself.