The socialist candidate for Lehendakari, Idoia Mendia, has promised this Friday not to govern with EH Bildu and has called on the PNV to do the same.
“I am not going to form a government with EH Bildu, we are not going to be in a government where, not even in secret, projects to break with Spain are raised”Said Mendia, who has asked the PNV if it can commit to saying the same.
In an act with the youth of the PSE-EE, according to a note from this party, the candidate and secretary general has assured that the socialist votes will serve “for the social reconstruction of Euskadi and the agreements, not one for confrontational strategies.”
“They will be for a Euskadi where we all fit, where everyone has guaranteed health, care, a decent salary and equality,” he said.
Mendia has announced to the JSE that in the next legislature they will propose a Basque Youth Law that “will flee from paternalism and will talk about guaranteeing real emancipation with access to housing and decent work.”
He has also advocated “strengthening” the Gaztelagun plan for access to housing, promoting a Youth Employment Plan and a “Star-up accelerator so that all the talent of our young people is accompanied in investments and infrastructures by public administrations”, has announced