The district council has confirmed the budget for 2021. The budget enables numerous investments in the school sector.
Burg / Genthin l Household consultations are the hour of profiling and exchanging blows. For the coming year, this time the deliberations in the committees were obviously sufficient, so that the budget 2021 was approved in less than a minute. And this despite the fact that the earnings plan shows a deficit of more than 3.3 million euros and the planned investments of around eleven million euros in the financial plan can only be made possible with the help of a loan of 6.2 million euros. Nevertheless, numerous members of the district council consider the figures to be acceptable. Mainly because it has been possible to mark the district levy (the sum that the cities and municipalities transfer to the district) at 43 percent. This figure was engineered at the meeting of the district committee after Andreas Fischer (Jerichower Land voter communities) had submitted the corresponding application, which met with broad approval from the parliamentary groups. The difference to the 45 percent originally planned by the administration is now to be financed from the district fund’s reserve. District Administrator Steffen Burchhardt (SPD) also speaks of a “round, but not entirely balanced budget. Together with the district council as well as the municipalities and cities, we have again succeeded in finding a compromise between all parties involved in the district levy. That is not a matter of course when you see how in several districts there are arguments about the district levy in court. “
The federal grants are also a ray of hope. To strengthen the districts and urban districts, up to 75 percent of the costs of accommodation for Hartz IV recipients are to be taken over permanently. Therefore, the district expects an additional income of around 3.3 million euros in 2021 compared to 2020.
Nine million for civil engineering
Overall, the figures will enable numerous investments to be made again for 2021, says Burchhardt. Projects with a volume of around nine million euros are planned in the civil engineering sector alone. Some projects that are being initiated or continued:
• This includes, for example, the replacement building for House 2 of the Bismarck High School in Genthin for a total of around 6 million euros. The demolition work there is in full swing.
• The energetic renovation will be continued in House 1 of the Gommern High School, the sanitary, heating and electrical installation areas are to be completed. Terrain regulation is also planned. The total costs are around 2.4 million euros.
Sports hall construction for Möser
• A new sports hall is planned for the Möser secondary school. For the project, 2.5 million euros and 65,000 euros for corresponding equipment were determined. Construction should be completed by 2023. In the same period of time, the energetic renovation as well as the preparation of the dining room and additional classrooms are factored in. The total costs for this amount to 2 million euros, plus 65,000 euros for equipment.
• In the secondary school Parey, the auditorium and the connector are to be brought into shape in two sections. The renovation of the windows and the facade is initially planned for 2022. Then, in a second construction phase in 2023, the sanitary, heating and electrical systems will be on the list. The total cost is around 1.6 million euros.
• In the Diesterweg secondary school in Burg, an elevator must be built, which entails a redesign of the associated rooms. The planning for 2021 with 85,000 euros and the construction for 2022 with 300,000 euros.
• In the “Lindenschule” in Burg, the district is planning various shading systems for an estimated 60,000 euros.
In the civil engineering and road sector, too, hand is continued. Among other things, the Holzstraße in Burg is to be fundamentally expanded, as well as the Pöthen through-road. A new replacement is urgently needed for the Ihlebrücke in Gütter. In addition, the thorough repair of the Brettin thoroughfare is necessary because the road has been used several times for diversion traffic.