Anyone who wants to set up a temporary care unit in the garden will soon no longer need an environmental permit. The Flemish Minister of the Environment, Zuhal Demir, has drawn up a draft decree that should enter into force before the summer of 2021.
Currently, each unit or annex has to go through an extensive permit process, even if it is temporary. The draft decree replaces the mandatory procedure for temporary care units or care homes with a simple notification system. Demir will also propose to scrap the mandatory cooperation of an architect for these temporary units.
“In this way we lower the threshold for all people who want to take care of their father, mother, child or friend in their own home environment. Elderly people or people in need of care can continue to live longer on a reasonably independent basis in their trusted environment and close to their loved ones ”, Demir explains in a statement.
There are preconditions for monitoring spatial planning and housing quality. These must be temporary units for people in need of care that must be placed in the vicinity of the home.
In Flanders, under the current regulations, 428 reports had been made or permits issued last year for the creation of a care home in an existing residence. That is a strong increase compared to the year before.