entertainment">“I want to be very honest about this; as has happened with many other people, I started again during the pandemic ”, the singer admits. “I would never sit here and claim that I stayed sober when I haven’t. I had a relapse but have now been sober for two weeks. ”
entertainment">The interview came out on the 28th anniversary of Miley. She says she took extra care of herself in the past year, because she was afraid of ending up in the ‘club of 27’. Several artists with addiction problems died when they were 27 years old; Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain, among others, were unable to escape that fate.
entertainment">“For me, 27 was really a year in which I had to protect myself,” says Miley. “That made me want to stay sober, because we lost so many icons at the age of 27. I think some of those artists couldn’t handle their own power, their energy and their strength. It is a decisive phase of life. ”
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