PRAGUE At the time of closed restaurants at home, people have piles of paper vouchers and the time to use them is slowly being cut. Their publisher will extend the validity of Nechtj. The most natural types of meal vouchers have begun to take on new business lines.
What about the introduction of the meal voucher paul? |
Gone are the days when in some restaurants there were queues for cities at the table around noon. People work from home because of the virus and the pubs are closed to the windows. In the wallets of many employees, they receive meal vouchers, which they have not yet spent even in grocery stores, and their validity ends on New Year’s Eve. Where with them?
According to the current information of the Association for the Provision of Voucher Systems, more than 1.3 million employees in the Czech Republic will not forget about the extension of the validity of vouchers. We are not considering this step now, for example David Rc, a company communication company of the Czech Republic, told, he is issuing a Ch`eque Djeuner voucher.
The same answers won from the other two biggest games on the market of paper meal vouchers, the company Sodexo and Edenred. In addition, the company points out that the company has issued vouchers since 2020 and recommends vouchers valid to the end of 2021 from 2020. Up to standard employers will offer the option of unconsumed meal vouchers by the end of January the following year as standard. Badly, of course, at the internal agreement between the employee and the employer, whether under any conditions the user of meal vouchers can return his vouchers to the employer, Rc warns.
Replace paul vouchers?
The publisher of meal vouchers thus reacted to the situation in the hospitality industry. With effect from June 30, we decided to give up and by the end of the year our commissions in the gastrosector for the benefit of restaurants, to Rc. According to Daniela Pedret’s speech, Edenred dreamed of a 4.5 percent inn fee by 2021 and introduced an express payment of meal vouchers.
Less commissions, those percent of the city market the usual five and seven, get from the restaurateur so Sodexo. We are fulfilling the dream for six months, but it will depend on the situation. In the long run, we will offer our gastronomic establishments a full payment of meal vouchers and with zero fees for specially contracted partners, to speak to Sodex Tereza Knov.
Stravenkov companies are also working on the expansion of contractual partners for other shops, restaurants ionline portly will change the sale of ready-made food and food. Before days, for example, Edenred, Up and Sodexo meal vouchers began to be accepted as an alternative to their own meal vouchers, as well as both Globus, Kaufland and Lidl.
In most stores, there is a limit to how many meal vouchers fall within what limit you can buy handcuffs and so how many can be drilled for payment by voucher. We are developing the possibility of paying for our customers who use meal vouchers or meal voucher cards. The limit for one purchase with pepper meal vouchers is ten pieces of vouchers or the value of 1600 crowns, electronic meal vouchers are without limit, said Renata Maierl, speaking to Kaufland.
On Thursday, the deputies are to approve the local tax package, its bite is also the so-called meal voucher paul. It should be introduced from the first year as an alternative to canteens and corporate canteens. According to the series, the tax credit should remain the same, employers could choose whether to give their people pensions or vouchers. Employees would receive the appointment separately, because, unlike wages, it would not be subject to mandatory contributions or taxes.