The accident was seen by Alexander, who was standing at the gas station and drinking coffee at that time.
“I quickly called the services. Then I went to the car to unplug it and pull out the girl who was trapped in the seat. I was doing my civic duty,” says Alexander.
The BMW driver himself immediately after the incident, despite the fact that the passengers in the car he was driving in need of help, rushed to flee.
He was also noticed by other eyewitnesses.
“We informed the municipal police, described to them the signs of a man.”
Eyewitness Alexander says that all those sitting in the car were young people. The two girls in the car were not fastened.
“We couldn’t get one outside, we had to break the seat back because my leg was squeezed hard. She was in her shoes, we tried, in the end we succeeded.”
When the State Fire and Rescue Service and the Emergency Medical Service arrived at the scene, both girls had already got out of the car. The doctors found relatively minor injuries in the young women, so they did not have to go to the hospital.
While the services were running around the damaged car, the police ran after the fleeing driver, who was stopped and handed over to the medics.
It is not yet reported whether he was under the influence of intoxicants.
See more in the story above.