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So Symptoms of Corona, Recognize Delirium Disease and its Signs

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Recent studies have found delirium to be one of the early symptoms of infection corona virus cause Covid-19, especially in the elderly group (elderly). Delirium is a symptom mental serious confusion that causes the sufferer to experience severe confusion with reduced consciousness.

The study by researchers from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya highlighted the fact that, along with the loss of taste and smell and the headaches that preceded the onset of coughing and shortness of breath, some patients also developed delirium.

“Delirium is a state of confusion in which a person feels disconnected from reality, as if dreaming. We need to be vigilant, because someone showing signs of confusion may be an indication of infection,” said researcher Javier Correa in his study notes, citing EurekAlert.

Study published in Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy this highlights the link between the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the brain as the central nervous system. As a result, researchers found indications that the corona virus also affects the central nervous system and causes neurocognitive changes such as headaches and delirium.

“The cause may be between three things. The lack of oxygen supply to the brain, inflammation of brain tissue due to cytokine storms, and the fact that the virus has the ability to flow in the blood to the brain,” said Correa. One of the three factors, he continued, has the potential to cause delirium.

What Is Delirium?

Delirium is a sudden change in the brain that triggers confusion and loss of consciousness. Delirium often makes it difficult for sufferers to think, remember, sleep, and pay attention to many things.

Delirium is generally temporary. Some cases of delirium are also triggered by attempts to stop drinking alcohol, surgical procedures, and dementia.

Quoting Healthline, there are four types of delirium. Among them are as follows:

Delirium tremens, a severe form of the condition experienced by people who try to stop drinking alcohol.

Hyperactive delirium, characterized by being very alert and uncooperative.

Hypoxum delirium, conditions that make sufferers fall asleep more often and neglect daily tasks.

Mixed delirium, a combination of alternating hyperactive and hypoactive delirium.

Illustration. Confusion is a symptom of delirium. (Wokandapix / Pixabay)-

Delirium is commonly caused by infections such as pneumonia, which can interfere with brain function. In addition, consumption of certain drugs can also interfere with chemicals in the brain.

People who have a history of asthma can also experience delirium. As shortness of breath attacks the brain does not get enough oxygen, which triggers a disturbance in the brain.

Some people are said to be at risk for delirium, including the following:

– elderly group

– had surgery

– stop drinking alcohol

– have conditions that damage the brain such as stroke and dementia

– is under extreme emotional stress

Several conditions can also be risk factors for delirium, including the following:

– lack of sleep

– certain drugs

– dehydration

– poor nutrition

– infection

Symptoms of Delirium Disease

Delirium can affect thoughts, emotions, muscle control and sleep patterns.

People with delirium generally have trouble concentrating or feel confused about its presence. A person may also move slower or faster than usual and experience mood swings.

Some symptoms that indicate delirium include:

– not thinking or speaking clearly

– lack of sleep or feeling sleepy

memory loss, even in the short term

– losing muscle control


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