Home » Business » Flowers that withstand the cold to take to the cemetery to pay homage to the dead

Flowers that withstand the cold to take to the cemetery to pay homage to the dead

Despite the limitations to counter the spread of the coronavirus, many Italians do not give up on buying flowers and plants on the occasion of the All Saints’ Day and the commemoration of deceased.

Two recurrences profoundly marked by the health emergency, so much so that in many municipalities, to avoid crowds, the cemetery sites were closed. For the others, however, limited hours and staggered admissions. But the tradition that tightens even more the eternal bond between the living and those who have passed away, remains rooted in the territory.

Official data from the survey conducted by Coldiretti

According to a survey conducted by Coldiretti, about 63% of Italians will honor their loved ones with a flower. A symbolic act that in this particular historical moment raises, albeit slightly, the made in Italy horticultural sector. In fact, Coldiretti reports a 58% decrease in annual turnover, resulting in a halving of staff. Furthermore, the pandemic has slowed down foreign trade, damaging many Italian sellers who have also seen their goods decrease.

However, the chrysanthemum remains the quintessential flower of the dead. However, Coldiretti always warns about possible increases related to the purchase of chrysanthemums which could reach up to 20%. For this reason, the ProiezionidiBorsa editorial team wants to advise its readers which are the most suitable flowers to take to the cemetery.

Flowers that withstand the cold to take to the cemetery to pay homage to the dead

Among the alternatives to chrysanthemum, industry experts recommend cyclamen. They are easily found in all cities, they are elegant and fragrant. They don’t need continuous care. In addition they can fight the cold well.
Then also Hellebore or Christmas Rose is not to be underestimated. It requires scarce watering but its flowers, of different colors, bloom in winter and are able to cope with the coldest temperatures of winter.

Finally, if you want to opt for cut flowers, carnations and tulips must also be considered, which retain more freshness than others. Finally, a look at succulents is also recommended. On the market there are any type, some with beautiful flowers and all or almost all resist the cold. If “Flowers that withstand the cold to take to the cemetery to pay homage to the dead” was useful to the readers, we also recommend “How and until when can the RAI fee exemption be obtained for 2021“.

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