More … than 700 cases of coronavirus and seven deaths, which is the highest number in the United States, New York He continued his stoic assault to halt the progression of the disease, while also preparing to deal with the lack of beds to treat those infected.
The number of people infected with COVID-19[feminine[feminine at the state level, 463 corresponds to the city of New York, while the death toll rose to seven until this morning.
State-level hospitals add up 50,000 beds, of which 3 000 are for intensive care and almost 80% of them were occupied by 17% of infected people requiring hospitalization. Until Monday, the State of New York had 950 cases, as announced by the Governor Andrew Cuomo.
“The number of cases is increasing rapidly,” said the governor while acknowledging that at the time his major concern it is how to ensure that the hospital system is not totally overwhelmed. He also revealed that he had informed hospital administrators that the authorities may soon require that to suspend all the elective surgeries.
The state’s first executive insisted on calling on the Trump administration to deploy the Army Corps of Engineers to adapt facilities to deal with the emergency, something very similar to what is happening already happening in Spain and Italy.
Cuomo warned that in case the mobilization does not arrive Washington, the State will use its National Guard and other ways to see how to increase the number of hospital places, identifying buildings as university residences or nursing homes in disuse that can become health centers.
Interstate effort
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that as of Monday evening, the States New York, New Jersey Yes Connecticut unify efforts to reduce the spread COVID-19[feminine[feminine.
This includes the implementation of a maximum capacity of 50 people in the spaces “Multitudinous”, as well as the expansion of home delivery and take-out service to restaurants and cafes. In addition to this, cinemas, gymnasiums, casinos and other establishments will be closed.
Closure of bars and restaurants
At city level, the emergency has instead shown its face with the school closures, the usual shows of Broadway, added to partial closure as of this Tuesday bars and restaurants, which will only accept take out orders during the day.
The drastic measure is similar to that taken in Ohio, Washington DC and in the collective effort to curb the increase in infections with the deadly virus.
“Our lives change in unimaginable ways in just a week. The aim is to save the lives of our loved ones and our neighbors, ”said De Blasio in a Release released by his office, which called the measure “drastic but necessary”.
Food delivery by bicycle allowed
While the closure of bars and restaurants was implemented, ironically Mayor Bill de Blasio made the announcement to suspend the crackdown on the delivery men who use electric bikes.
“This victory is huge for workers like me who have come together and fought for years to achieve it. We are in particular need of protection right now, but it is a great relief to know that we will no longer be criminalized for simply using a basic tool we need to put food on the tables of many New Yorkers. and ours, ”he said. German Fredy, member of Hit the road in New York and delivery man Brooklyn.
Authorities fear New York state hospitals will collapse due to pandemic
Co-PDG de Make the Road New York, Deborah Axt, commented that the suspension of the crackdown on bicycles electric a great significance right now for workers of food delivery.
“We urge the mayor to ensure this suspension is permanent, while calling on leaders like Governor Cuomo and the legislature to pass the bill quickly. legislation on electric bikes it would apply statewide, ”Axt added.
Lethal measures against the New York economy
Meanwhile, the governor acknowledged that the decisions against the coronavirus threaten to be a devastating blow for the economy of the city, where hundreds of thousands of people in the hospitality industry live –New York has over 25,000 restaurants– and tourism and now see their jobs in serious danger.
“Our primary example right now is slowing the spread of this virus so that the wave of new infections doesn’t sink into our healthcare system,” Cuomo said.
Hence the extreme measures approved in search of greater “social distancing” and what have practically done stop life in the largest city of United States.
A first official dies
The most recent victim in New York is a man who worked for the Municipal Department of Corrections (DOC). According to the health ministry report, he died at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday. coronavirus victims, becoming the first case of a deceased municipal worker Big Apple It was because of this disease.
In order to appease the matter, the DOC said that the deceased did not maintain contact direct with prisoners at Rikers Island prison or another prison in the five boroughs, because he was not a correctional guard, but an employee of the investigations division of this organization, located in Queens.
From the balance established by the state and city health authorities, it was established that, the most affected area of the state is New York City, where 463 cases were concentrated until yesterday, 134 more than the day before, followed by the county of Westchester (220), an area north of Big Apple where the first major epidemic occurred in the region.
Closure of colleges and universities until April
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed the executive order closing New York schools at the end of Monday afternoon from this Wednesday April 18 to April 1.
“The most effective way to reduce the spread of this virus is reduce close contact, and that includes our schools. I am leading the closure of all schools in the state for two weeks as we continue to actively work to increase testing, isolate those who are sick and mitigate the impacts of this virus“Said the governor
This action will ensure consistency and uniformity across the state in teaching time for this extraordinary school year.
School districts will need to develop a plan for alternative education options, including distance education; distribution and availability of meals; and daycare, with a focus on the children of parents first aid and health workers. These plans must be submitted to State Department of Education, who may amend or modify these plans in consultation with the State Department of Health and the Office of Child and Family Services at any moment.