Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been calls to take vitamin D. That would increase the resistance to the corona virus, especially in the winter months. Immunologist Huub Savelkoul also made a plea at Op1 on Thursday evening for the use of vitamin D.
Nutrition professor Martijn Katan is not impressed. “Colleague Savelkoul is an optimist.” Katan calls vitamin D ‘a vitamin of twelve crafts and thirteen accidents’. There have always been high hopes for vitamin D in the fight against a variety of diseases and conditions, Katan taught.
“Twenty years ago we believed that vitamin D helped asthma, Alzheimer’s, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes and everything in between.” After extensive research, however, it turned out that vitamin D was of no use. Katan does not want to rule out that vitamin D does work against corona. “But don’t count yourself rich.”