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99% of Vitoria residents are satisfied with the quality of their water and 75% with their supply, in general

76% are satisfied with municipal services, 14 points above the state average


75% of Vitoria citizens are satisfied with the water supply and its quality is what 99% of the citizens of the capital of Alava value the most. In addition, 76% are satisfied with municipal services, 14 points above the state average (62%), according to the study carried out by the Urban Services Observatory (OSUR) through a survey carried out by Ipsos.

The OSUR Barometer is the first annual survey focused on measuring satisfaction rates and the evolution of citizen evaluation, in their role as taxpayers and users, of municipal public services in Spain.

The sample, of high representativeness and state, regional and local reliability, has been carried out among residents of the 30 most populated populations in the country corresponding to 13 autonomous communities, with 5,262 respondents aged 18 to 79 years in the month of July of this year.

The survey, whose technical development has been carried out by Ipsos, has been carried out in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Alcalá de Henares, Alicante, Badalona, ​​Bilbao, Cartagena, Córdoba, La Coruña, Elche, Gijón, Granada , L’Hospitalet, Jerez de la Frontera, Móstoles, Murcia, Oviedo, Palma de Mallorca, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Pamplona, ​​Sabadell, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Terrassa, Valladolid, Vigo and Vitoria.

The study indicates that 76% of Vitoria citizens are satisfied with the set of municipal services, 14 points above the state average of 62%. Only 13% of those surveyed are dissatisfied with the services, a figure much lower than the national average, which is 21%.

For their part, 75% of those surveyed claim to be satisfied with the water services received. The most valued aspect, with 99% acceptance, is the quality of the water supplied. This is the highest satisfaction rate for this aspect of the 30 cities that participated in the survey. It is followed by management (absence of cuts or pressure), with 87%; and the sewerage, with 75% satisfaction.

After supplying water, the best valued services are public transport, with 74% acceptance; the care of parks, gardens and public spaces, with 66%; garbage and waste collection with 64% acceptance, and lastly, street cleaning services, which received a satisfaction level of 60%.

In public transport, which has been valued positively by 74% of citizens, the most appreciated aspects are the comfort when making the journeys, with 82% satisfaction; the state of cleanliness and conservation of the vehicles, with 81%; and the frequency of schedules in urban buses, also with 78%.

In the care of parks and gardens, which satisfies 66% of Vitorians, the most valued is the quality of the facilities, with 74% acceptance; It is followed by the equipment of the parks for different ages with 70% positive opinions; and the care of green areas, with 67% general acceptance.


Garbage collection and street cleaning are the worst rated services with 64% and 60%, respectively. In the case of garbage, what citizens value best is the frequency in the collection service with 81%; the provision and equipment for the provision of the service (80%), and the container service for selective collection (80%).

Street cleaning in Vitoria receives 60% positive opinions and 32% negative ones. The frequency with which cleaning tasks are carried out, with a 72% satisfaction rate, is the highest rated aspect.

Among the aspects that generate the most dissatisfaction is, as in almost all cities, the cleaning of pet excrements, with 61% negative opinions, and the cleaning of parks and public facilities, which receives 31% of dissatisfaction.


The general director of OSUR, Ramiro Aurín, has highlighted that the data reveals that Vitoria has “an excellent opinion” of its municipal public services, so that, even the worst valued, are among the first places in the ranking of the 30 cities studied, with an acceptance higher than 60%.

In this sense, he stressed “the unanimous practice (99% satisfied)” on water quality and its management in general. He also recalled that the management is divided between public and private, “well regulated and supervised by the city council, with very good results in both cases.”

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