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9000 Frisian 75 + ‘ ers did not (yet) get a booster shot

Wed 22 December 2021 17.37 hrs

LEEUWARDEN – About 9,000 Frisians over the age of 75 have not received a booster shot. They are now invited by the GGD Fryslân to do so. They all receive a letter via their own municipality. “The 75-plus residents no longer have to wait for the national invitation from the RIVM. Calling yourself or making an online appointment is no longer necessary.” the GGD Fryslân informs us.

In connection with the advancing omikron variant, it is important that all over 18s are quickly offered an extra shot (booster vaccination). However, for some people it appears to be difficult to make an appointment for an injection. They are still waiting for the letter from the RIVM, miss the calls via social media or do not get through to the national appointment number.

GGD Fryslân is lowering these barriers, in particular, to meet the needs of older people who are already doing this, by simply scheduling them in and inviting them. All Frisian residents of 75 years and older will therefore soon receive a letter from their municipality, containing a time for a vaccination appointment.

The elderly who do not yet have an appointment do not have to call or make an online appointment for an extra shot (booster vaccination). They can go to the injection location at the reserved time on presentation of the letter and their proof of identity. Anyone who does not want to make use of the offer or who already has an appointment in 2021 can simply ignore the letter.

Nils van Mourik, manager GGD implementation teams for testing and vaccination: “It is very nice that the Frisian municipalities understand the importance of this action and help to write to their older residents. The accelerated vaccination is a gigantic operation, we really have to do it together. This is an extra service, people can of course also wait for the letter from the RIVM.”

The promotion does not take place on the Wadden Islands. Here the 75-year-olds have already received the extra shot (booster vaccination).

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