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90 People in India Reported Died from Black Fungus Infection after Recovering from Covid-19

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – At least 90 people on India who recovered from Covid-19 reportedly died from black fungus infection.

Reported MirrorAbout 850 people are hospitalized with mucormycosis in the western Indian state of Maharashtra.

Authorities have warned the hospital it will admit 5,000 patients over the next few months.

Mucormycosis, also known as black fungus infection, rarely happened before the second wave of the corona virus hit India.

Black fungus infection only affects those with compromised immune systems including diabetics or people with HIV or AIDS.

Also read: 2 The State of India Declares Black Fungus Infection as Epidemic

Also read: Diabetes, Cancer and Kidney Patients Prone to Black Fungus Infection

Fungal Infection ILLUSTRATION – Photomicrograph showing the mature sporangium of the fungus Mucor sp. Mucor sp is a common indoor fungus, and it is one of the fungi that causes a group of infections known as zygomycosis. (CDC / DR LUCILLE GEORG / BSIP / BSIP via AFP)

Without early treatment, black fungus has a 50% mortality rate.

Doctors are even forced to remove the infected patient’s eye or jaw to save his life.

Mucormycosis causes a black or discolored nose, blurred vision, chest pain, difficulty breathing and coughing up blood.

Doctors believe that the use of steroids to treat Covid-19 can lead to infection because they reduce immunity and raise sugar levels.

Health Minister Lav Agarwal said mucormicosis appears as a new challenge for coronavirus patients on steroid therapy as well as those who have had diabetes before.

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