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“90% of referees are from Madrid and 10% from Barça”

There are opinions for all tastes about the colors that the soccer referees defend in privacy, but Iturralde González, who refereed in Primera for almost two decades, is an authoritative voice to at least take into account. The former colleague has assured that an absolute majority of those who were his colleagues are from Real Madrid and the rest are from Barca.

“90% and 10%,” he explained in The spar of the Chain Ser Basque over the highest percentage identified with white by those who prefer Barca. However, Iturralde assured that this data “does not mean anything”, since the members are professionals who make the most appropriate decisions on the field of play.

Its colors do not interfere

“Everyone knows that I am from Athletic. It would hurt him for trying to be fair. ”

“Everyone knows that I am from Athletic. It would harm him for trying to be fair, ”said the Biscayan to defend that the colors of the referees do not interfere in the game. In addition, he said that in his 17 years in the highest category of Spanish football “nothing has been hinted” about favoritism to a specific team.

To explain this madridista majority in the arbitration establishment, the former referee extrapolated it to the whole of society: “Whether they like it or not in Barcelona, ​​70% of the population of Spain (outside Catalonia) is that of Madrid. Now there are more people from Barça; young people have taken the Guardiola titles. But before the Messi era, how many people were from Madrid in Spain? 70%? ”

Iturralde González in a Barça – Madrid.
(Àlex Garcia)

On the other hand, he gave his opinion on Aritz Aduriz, who announced his retirement yesterday: “He is the most difficult center to arbitrate: he is like a Soldier. They are not static, they will look for the ball. To a still person, to a central defender, if a person comes on the move, the shock will be brutal. Discerning whether it is missing or not is very complicated ”, he concluded.

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