Home » today » Health » 90% of breast cancer symptoms are painless lumps

90% of breast cancer symptoms are painless lumps

There are several signs and symptoms of breast cancer that women may experience. One of them is that about 90% of the symptoms of breast cancer experienced by patients are lumps in the breast that don’t feel pain.

Oncology (Cancer) Surgeon at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital I Gusti Ngurah Gunawan Wibisana explained this in an online discussion that was held on Monday (13/2). “This is exactly what we need to watch out for. This symptom is the most common but it is also what sufferers often ignore because there is no pain resulting from the lump,” he said.

However, there are other symptoms that can be seen more clearly from breast cancer. One of them is a change in the skin around the nipples.

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