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90% less CO2: Blaguss is the first bus fleet in Austria to use fossil-free fuel

Vienna (OTS)

  • From May 2023, Blaguss coaches will run on fossil-free fuel
  • Biogenic fuel HVO100 is 100% fossil-free, environmentally friendly and brings significant emissions savings: 90% less CO2 emissions, 33% less particulate matter and 24% less carbon monoxide
  • Strategic goal: Blaguss should be climate-neutral by 2035

Blaguss is an Austrian expert in passenger transport and is now definitely one of the pioneers when it comes to sustainable travel – both in Austria and internationally. The family business has set itself the goal of converting its bus fleet to the 100% fossil-free HVO100 fuel. This saves up to 90% CO2. As early as May 2023, five buses will be operated with it in a pilot project. With corresponding customer demand and constant fuel consumption, all coaches can be converted to biogenic fuel within a few days. Blaguss thus makes an important contribution to climate protection and at the same time meets the increasing demands of customers in terms of the environment.

Climate protection and sustainability should be integrated into every aspect of life – travel and mobility are no exception. The bus (Euro 6 standard) is already the cleanest and most ecological means of transport and generally has the best, low comparison values ​​for air pollutants and greenhouse gases. But that’s not enough for the family business. That’s why a trip with the Blaguss coaches is now even more environmentally friendly. The family business is the first bus company in Austria to gradually convert the fuel in its bus fleet to the biogenic, fossil-free fuel HVO100. What is special about this diesel substitute is that, as a renewable and ecological fuel, it saves a significant number of emissions. Compared to conventional fossil fuels, CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 90%, 33% less fine dust is produced and around 24% less carbon monoxide is caused.

It is crucial that as little climate-damaging CO2 as possible is emitted on our roads. The reduction of diesel consumption and fossil fuels is essential for this. That is why the conversion of our fleet to HVO100 is an important and correct trend reversalsay the managing directors Mag. Thomas and Paul Blaguss.

As early as May of this year, Blaguss customers will have the opportunity to travel in one of five buses powered by HVO100 for the first time. The company has also set itself the goal of being climate-neutral with its entire fleet of coaches by 2035. Blaguss is taking such a significant step towards climate-neutral passenger transport.

Blaguss as a pioneer: Mobility must become more environmentally friendly

With this innovative way of thinking, Blaguss not only increasingly includes the environmental factor in its business, but also focuses even more on customer needs. After all, up to 60% of customers are already actively interested in alternative fuels or are specifically asking for an environmentally friendly travel alternative without significant additional costs. Our customers have always been our top priority. We are very pleased that with the switch to resource-saving fuel in our coaches, we can respond even more intensively to their wishes and at the same time further increase the so important environmental quality on the road. We are thus setting a good example for making mobility climate-friendlyaccording to Blaguss.

High development dynamics in the bus industry

The vehicle manufacturers work tirelessly to develop alternative and environmentally friendly drives that are also suitable for long-distance traffic. However, it is still unclear when these technologies will be ready for use. In the meantime, however, measures must already be taken to reduce the environmental impact of road traffic. Thomas and Paul Blaguss also know this: The pace at the manufacturers is currently very high, so it is only a matter of time. But even if we are eagerly awaiting future developments, it is important to us to make a contribution to climate protection right now. For our bus fleet, biogenic fuel is currently the best option on the market to reduce pollutants to an absolute minimum.“ Switching to HVO100 enables a significant reduction in the ecological footprint, without any additional investments and resource consumption for other vehicles and thus has the best prerequisites. The fuel also excels in use with its odorless nature, excellent storage properties and first-class use in all diesel engines, which does not require any adjustments. Filling up is easy, like any other fuel, at the company’s own filling station and now at more than 8,000 filling stations throughout Europe. In operation, HVO100 shines with a significant noise reduction as well as a more efficient and quieter engine runtime, even at colder temperatures.

About Blaguss Travel:

Blaguss is a third-generation family business and has been a proven expert in passenger transport in Europe for over 90 years, with a focus on Austria and Eastern Europe. The services range from the rental of coaches, day and multi-day packages for schools, organized day trips and excursions for groups and clubs, various transfers and shuttles, implementation of national and international scheduled services, transport for people with special needs, logistics solutions for large events to various additional services and transfers in luxury buses. With a low average age, the Blaguss fleet is one of the most modern and safest bus fleets in Europe and pays attention to constantly decreasing fuel consumption and increasing environmental quality on the road.


Questions & contact:

Please address press inquiries to:
Claudia Pich, company spokeswoman
T: +43 (0)5 0655-0
M: +43 (0) 664 884 60 770

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