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9 year old girl overwhelmed and killed by the gate in Trescore

Trescore. One of those news that you would never want to write: a little girl lost her life on Tuesday around 19.30, overwhelmed by the gate of her house, in Trescore Balneario.

It happened in via Muratello. The little girl, according to the earliest reconstructions, was playing on the slide when a pin came off and the heavy gate fell, crushing her.


Around 7.30 pm on Tuesday 5th April there is still natural light in the evening in via Muratello, the road that climbs towards the hill that leads to Cenate Sopra, and leads inside the semi-detached villa, at number 46 where the Bena family lives.

Federica, 9, is playing on the slide that leads to the garages. Inexplicably, a gate pivot comes off: the heavy metal structure falls on her and crushes her.

Her mother Cristina rushes out followed by Federica’s 14-year-old brother. They shout and ask for help, remove the gate and try to help the little girl. The neighbors and other people who live on the street also arrive.

Father Enrico also comes back from work immediately. Heart massage, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is attempted.

Meanwhile, someone calls an ambulance. Doctors sent from the Areu operations center arrive on the spot. They try everything and then put the body of little Federica on the ambulance that transports her to the Papa Giovani XXIII hospital in Bergamo.

The child’s conditions are very serious. We do everything possible. But the heavy gate, estimated at a weight of 3-4 quintals, which fell on the little girl’s body leaves no way out: Federica’s heart stops beating.

To give the news to the family are the same carabinieri who shortly before had carried out the reliefs of the law. Mother Cristina is overwhelmed by an illness, so much so that a second ambulance arrives in via Muratello to help her.

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