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9 Unique Facts about Mercury: The Closest Planet to the Sun

The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the center of the solar system, the sun. (Photo: NASA)

JAKARTA – The planet Mercury is known as the closest planet to the center of the solar system, the sun. There are various other unique facts behind this planet.

The distance between Mercury and the sun is around 57.9 million kilometers. This planet revolves around the sun (solar revolution) one rotation takes 88 days on Earth. Mercury’s orbit around the sun is elliptical with an eccentricity value of 0.21.

Mercury has the furthest and closest distance to the sun. It has the furthest distance of around 70 million kilometers and the closest distance to the sun is around 47 kilometers.

Let’s get to know 9 unique facts about the planet Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.

1. The smallest planet in the solar system

Mercury is very small compared to the moon on Earth. To be precise, it is 0.7% larger than the moon and 2.7% smaller than the earth.

2. Has strong gravity

Even though Mercury is small, this planet has a strong gravitational force. The planet has a radius of about 75% of the planet’s total radius, and Mercury’s thin crust is about 100 kilometers.

3. Close distance to the sun

Due to its close proximity to the sun, Mercury can experience quite extreme temperature changes. The temperature can reach 430 degrees Celsius during the day and at night the temperature drops to -180 degrees Celsius.

4. Has no natural satellites

Mercury is different from other planets which have natural satellites, while Mercury does not have natural satellites.

5. Has a unique rotation

The planet Mercury rotates on its axis exactly three times in each of its two revolution periods around the sun. This phenomenon causes Mercury to appear to only rotate once every two years.

2023-09-23 09:23:51
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