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9 symptoms in the feet Signs of high cholesterol, beware

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia

Cholesterol actually become one of the important substances for the body. But high cholesterol and fat mixed in can be dangerous. People with high cholesterol are at risk of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis can narrow arteries and reduce blood flow to other tissues in the body. The problems that can occur when there is atherosclerosis due to cholesterol are heart attacks and strokes.

But not only that, high cholesterol can also affect other organs, even in the legs and feet. The feet and legs of people with high cholesterol can develop a condition called peripheral artery disease.

What are the symptoms of cholesterol in the feet?

Leg pain during exercise can be one of the symptoms of high cholesterol. Other symptoms include physical changes in the legs and feet. The changes can also appear on the toenails as well. The condition can also get worse over time.

Here are some signs that you have high cholesterol, which can occur in your feet:

1. Muscle pain during exercise

Copy the page Health, you may experience muscle pain known as claudication. Conditions include pain, cramping, numbness, and fatigue. This pain can appear when you walk or do other physical activities.

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2. Muscle pain at rest

In severe cases, muscle pain may not go away even with rest. Some people experience pain, coldness, or numbness in their feet and toes. The pain usually appears at night or whenever the leg is lifted.

Lowering the feet below the level of the heart or hanging them over the bed can help reduce the pain. When the feet are down, gravity helps draw more blood into the feet, which can temporarily reduce pain.

3. Skin and hair changes

Smooth, shiny skin on some feet can be a sign of high cholesterol. You may also lose leg hair or it may grow more slowly.

You may also notice that your skin color has changed. It can be darker (hyperpigmentation) and other times it can be bluish (called cyanosis).

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Symptoms of high cholesterol in feet


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