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9 Reasons to Eat Chocolate to Be Healthy and Naturally Beautiful

There are many reasons eating chocolate is very good for maintaining a healthy body. Moreover, food or drink ingredients are also good for enhancing beauty. However, because there are negative effects, you should limit the consumption.

Historically, the name chocolate itself is an Aztec term or language derived from the name xocoti. This term means a bitter drink.

After that chocolate was brought to Spain. The local residents then process the chocolate and mix it with sugar. So it tastes better.

Chocolate or chocolate is very familiar and many people like it. In addition to its delicious taste, there are many reasons to eat chocolate because of its very good benefits for the body.

Along with the current development of chocolate we can not only make as a delicious drink, but also can be in the form of delicious food.

Many cafes and restaurants that provide drinks and snacks. Even now there are lots of food or beverage products made from chocolate.

So it’s only natural that chocolate is currently one of the most popular and favorite foods for many people.

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Various Reasons to Eat Chocolate for Health

If you like chocolate, you can make your own at home or buy it ready to drink. You can also process this one food ingredient into a variety of delicious snacks.

There are many benefits of chocolate for the body. Therefore, here are various reasons to eat chocolate which is very good for health and body beauty that you need to know.

Lowers cholesterol

Another benefit of eating chocolate is that it can reduce levels of bad fats or LDL cholesterol. Conversely, chocolate can also increase levels of good fat in the body or HDL cholesterol.

Anti-Stress and Depression Medication

The right choice if someone is feeling depression or stress is by eating chocolate. This is because chocolate contains serotonin compounds that function as natural anti-depressants.

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High Blood Medication

Chocolate is also a natural remedy that can lower high blood pressure. This is because the flavonoid content in chocolate acts as an antioxidant that can reduce high blood pressure.

Another function of the flavonoid content in chocolate is also to balance hormones in the body.

Improve Blood Circulation

The content of flavonoid compounds in chocolate is very good for the body. One of them plays a role in widening the blood vessels in the brain. This is the reason eating chocolate can improve blood circulation.

Prevent Heart Disease

The content of compounds in chocolate can help launch the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the dark chocolate that you consume can reduce the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease.

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Therefore, for those of you who like chocolate, it will avoid the risk of heart disease.

Slows down premature aging

Eating chocolate can also help you to prevent premature aging. Like reducing wrinkles on the face with the natural antioxidant content found in chocolate itself.

In addition, the benefits of chocolate are not only for health, but also very good for beauty. For those of you who care about beauty, here are some reasons eating chocolate is important for body beauty.

Natural Anti Aging

Chocolate can be used for outer skin care as a natural anti-aging. The content of flavonoids in chocolate plays a role in tightening the body’s skin, so it will look young and fresh.

It’s also easy to do. You can simply melt the chocolate into the milk. Then just apply to the skin while doing the massage. Do it regularly that is 2-3 times a week.

Skin Detoxification

Chocolate can also be used as a skin beauty product. For example, if we mix cocoa powder with caffeine, it will be useful as a skin detox.

Not only that, the mixture of cocoa powder and caffeine can also be used to treat dull and oily skin.

Natural Scrub

Chocolate can be used as a scrub for skin care. The skin of the body that uses a brown scrub can result in bright and also able to remove dead skin cells.

That is by melting cocoa powder and then mixing it with milk until it forms a cream. Next, apply the chocolate scrub on the face and neck. Do it regularly for optimal results.

Thus the various reasons to eat chocolate is important for the health of the body. In addition to its delicious taste as food or drink, we can also use chocolate as a body beauty treatment. (R11/HR-Online/Editor-Eva)

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