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“9 Habits to Avoid for Better Mental Health: Tips for Moms”

Mom’s Life

Amira Salsabila |

Saturday, 08 Apr 2023 17:21 WIB


Habits can be hard to break once they are ingrained in a person’s brain after lots of repetition. As for some habits that can actually interfere with Mother’s mental health, you know.

Psychological, social and emotional well-being is a person’s mental health. These factors determine how you see, feel, think, and act.

They are also a determining factor in how well you handle the stress, anxiety or trauma of change and how you relate to yourself and others.

Mental health problems are not subject to any age or gender. They can be found in adolescents and the elderly, across gender. The stigma around mental health makes it increasingly difficult to identify the problem and treat its causes.

There are several habits that can show that your mental health is unhealthy. If you experience one or more, start to maintain mental health by improving bad habits that are often done.

9 Habits that can actually interfere with mental health

Here are some habits that you need to avoid because they can damage your mental health.

1. Often denies

Launching from the page PINK VILLA, The most dangerous habit is not accepting that you have a mental health problem.

Living in denial will only worsen your mental health. Talk to someone who makes you feel more secure and discuss the problems you are experiencing with that person.

2. Too much use of social media

Scrolling through social media feeds for hours on end can significantly worsen your mental health.

The standards of perfectionism that social media sets can be very disturbing. While most people deal with challenges in their daily lives, the socially prescribed added dose of ‘perfectionism’ can only make the burden even heavier.

Instead, use the time to strengthen your inner conviction. Practice affirmations, keep a daily journal, or anything else that can motivate you.

3. Have a negative mindset

Everyone may often have negative thoughts or think too much alias overthinking. Everyone has probably made the mistake of focusing all their energy on results instead of focusing energy on creating the right causes.

Negative overthinking can significantly affect your potential to create something positive. Enjoy activities and conversations with people who motivate you to have a positive perspective on different life situations.

4. Always feel guilty, sorry, and ashamed

If any of these feelings are bothering you, identify the root cause, Mother. The problem may stem from childhood trauma, past experiences, or family history.

Overcoming these emotions is very important. In fact, Mother is recommended to seek professional help to solve this problem.

5. Many considerations

Most people spend a lot of time analyzing mistakes, failures and everything that could happen. Mothers need to remember that no one is too early or too late in life to achieve their dreams.

Everyone has their own time and path. Life is too short to be spent in judgment or much deliberation by comparing yourself to others. Love, believe and accept yourself.

6. Lack of physical activity

When moving the body quickly, everyone’s body releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. They stimulate energy and positivity in all cells in everyone’s body.

Even if you just want to be in bed longer, you still need to move around doing all kinds of activities. Maybe it will be difficult at first, but Mother will get used to the activity.

7. Irregular sleep patterns

Following the right routine keeps you physically and mentally motivated. However, due to the COVID-19 virus, many people are suffering with anxiety, anger, frustration, or resentment.

A lack of work-life balance can also affect the mental health of most people. Therefore, Mother needs to make sure to have enough sleep.

8. Always please others

People who are always trying to please others tend to sacrifice their needs to meet the demands of others, which can affect their personal well-being, Mother.

9. Always think about the shortcomings

If you spend most of your time thinking about your own shortcomings or imperfections, you will only damage your mental health.

The brain will believe everything you say. To improve mental health, focus on your strengths. Self love starts with self talk positive. Remind yourself how amazing Mother is and be proud of the achievements that have been achieved so far.

So, those are some habits that can actually interfere with Mother’s mental health. Therefore, Mother needs to avoid some of these habits to promote positive mental health. Hopefully useful, yes, Mother.

For mothers who want to share questions parenting and get a lot giveawayyuk join HaiBunda Squad community. Click list here. Free!

Also, watch the video for five ways to maintain children’s mental health below, Mother.


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