While – Recently, Medan City and its surroundings have often experienced rain accompanied by strong winds. The body is susceptible to disease during the rainy season.
Usually the body’s immune system is weakened due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to diseases, such as flu and coughs. detikers certainly don’t want to get sick during the rainy season like now.
Reported detikHealth From various sources, there are several ways that detikers can do to keep their bodies healthy and fit during the rainy season. That way, detikers will avoid various diseases.
9 Ways to Maintain Health during the Rainy Season
1. Avoid wearing wet footwear
Not infrequently, continuous rain forces people to wear wet footwear when traveling. Apparently, this is not recommended because it can trigger various kinds of foot diseases, ranging from fungus, athlete’s foot, to trench foot.
Therefore, clean and dry your footwear as much as possible before wearing it again the next day.
2. Keep exercising
Apart from losing weight, exercising can also help improve the body’s immune system and remove bacteria that may enter the lungs or respiratory tract.
If it is not possible to exercise outdoors, you can also do indoor sports such as yoga or aerobics to keep your body active even in the rainy season.
3. Maintain Hand Hygiene
Wash your hands thoroughly before eating or after outdoor activities. Practicing good hand hygiene is important to guard against the potential for germs and bacteria to increase during the rainy season.
4. Increase your probiotic intake
Probiotics are one of the microorganisms that can support body health. Normally, probiotics live in the intestines and digestive system.
Eating foods that contain probiotics such as tempeh, pickles or yoghurt can improve intestinal health so that it is more resilient and avoids disease. Not only that, probiotics can also increase nutrient absorption. So, the body is not only protected but also builds strength to fight infections that may attack in the future.
5. Avoid roadside snacks
During the rainy season, it is best to avoid buying food or drinks sold on street vendors. The reason is, these snacks are vulnerable to exposure to viruses and bacteria which multiply more quickly during the rainy season.
During the rainy season, the roads are usually filled with puddles and mud. This puddle becomes a perfect incubator for viruses and bacteria to reproduce and then spread through the air. If food is exposed to the open air for too long, the risk of contamination by viruses and bacteria increases.
6. Get enough rest and sleep
The time and quality of sleep greatly influences the body’s immune system. If someone often stays up late, their immune system will become increasingly weak.
In fact, the cold weather caused by the rainy season alone can cause the body’s immune system to decline. Combined with the habit of staying up late, this of course makes the body very susceptible to disease during the rainy season. Therefore, make sure your body gets enough rest and sleep every day.
7. Drink more water
The body needs to be well hydrated to stay healthy and protected from disease, especially during the rainy season. Apart from maintaining your body’s fluid needs, make sure the water you consume is pure and clean. If necessary, bring your own water bottle from home to avoid the risk of consuming contaminated water.
8. Clean up standing water
Fever and colds are not the only threats that lurk during the rainy season. Stagnant water formed by rain is also prone to becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes, including dengue fever and malaria mosquitoes.
Therefore, always clean standing water in and around the house so that it does not become a nest for mosquito larvae.
9. Increase your intake of Vitamin C
The rainy season often provides an ideal environment for viruses and bacteria to breed. This is one of the reasons why people are more susceptible to fever, flu and allergic reactions during the rainy season.
To stay healthy, one way you can do this is by increasing your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a compound that can help strengthen the immune system so that it is better protected from viral and bacterial infections. Vitamin C can be easily obtained from fresh green vegetables, citrus fruits, lemons, and so on.
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2024-01-10 00:30:12
#Ways #Body #Healthy #Avoid #Disease #Rainy #Season