Home » Health » 9 Diabetes ‘Alarms’ that Appear on the Skin, Immediately Check Blood Sugar

9 Diabetes ‘Alarms’ that Appear on the Skin, Immediately Check Blood Sugar

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 20 Feb 2023 07:07 WIB

Illustration. Itching, one of the symptoms of diabetes on the skin. (iStockphoto/Piyapong Thongcharoen)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Diabetes can show signs in many ways. One of them with symptoms of diabetes in skin.

There are several signs of diabetes on the skin that are worth paying attention to. These signs are often not recognized by the sufferer.

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. This condition occurs due to decreased body’s ability to produce insulin.

There are many causes of diabetes. Mainly is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as often eating foods with unbalanced nutrition.

If left unchecked, diabetes will make sufferers more at risk of heart disease.

Therefore, it is important to know a number of diabetes symptoms that are rarely noticed. One of them that appears on the skin.

Symptoms of diabetes on the skin

There are many symptoms of diabetes on the skin. Some of them were faintly visible, but some of them could be seen clearly. Here are some of them, citing various sources.

1. Yellow, reddish, brown spots on the skin

Medically, this condition is known as necrobiosis lipoidika. Citing page American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), this condition often begins as a small solid lump that looks like a pimple.

As it progresses, the bumps turn into hard, swollen patches of skin. The patches can be yellow, reddish, or brown.

2. Areas of darkened skin

Illustration. There are several symptoms of diabetes on the skin that are often not realized. (iStockphoto/Maya23K)

Dark patches or skin that looks like velvet usually appear on the back of the neck, armpits and groin. This condition, which is often a sign of prediabetes, is known as acanthosis nigricans.

3. Hard and thickened skin

Feel a part of the skin tighten in your hands? If so, be careful diabetes.

This condition will also make the fingers feel stiff and difficult to move. In more severe cases, you may feel as if you have a pebble in your fingertip.

This hard, thick-looking skin usually appears on the forearms and upper arms, upper back, shoulders, and neck.

In rare cases, thickening may also occur on the skin over the knees, ankles, and elbows. This makes it difficult for you to straighten or bend your legs and arms.

However, this condition usually develops in people who have had complications from diabetes.

4. Skin blisters

Although it rarely happens, the skin of diabetics can suddenly blister. Blisters usually form on the hands and feet, which look like serious burns.

5. Skin infections

People with diabetes tend to get skin infections more easily. Some of the symptoms of a skin infection include:
– a painful feeling of heat,
– itchy rash,
– dry scaly skin.

6. Wounds are hard to heal

Blood sugar levels cause circulation problems and nerve damage. This condition can make it difficult for your body to heal wounds.

7. Itchy and dry skin

If you have diabetes, then the skin will tend to be dry. This is due to high blood sugar levels.

8. Yellowish growths around the eyes

Illustration. Changes in the skin around the eyes, one of the symptoms of diabetes on the skin. (iStockphoto/mady70)

This condition is known as xanthelasma. This condition occurs when you have high levels of fat in the blood.

This condition appears as a skin growth similar to a yellowish lump around the eye.

9. Vitiligo

Another symptom of diabetes on the skin is vitiligo. However, quoting WebMDThis condition is more common in people with type 1 diabetes.

Vitiligo can destroy the cells that normally color the skin with pigment. In this condition, the color of some parts of the skin will feel different or look younger.


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