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9 Cities Lost in Human History and Their Stories Page all

KOMPAS.com – Throughout the course of human history, a number of cities and towns have been lost, sunk, and abandoned.

It only leaves mysterious ruins and some provide beautiful views, which can be seen by modern humans today.

Here are a few lost city with various stories, as quoted from Time:

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After the worst nuclear disaster in history, the USSR evacuated towns near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, including the city of Pryp’yat in Ukraine.

Twenty years later, the city is still standing, but like ghost city with overgrown wild plants and wild animals.

No more humans live there, but tourists can take a day trip to feel the sensation of Chernobyl.

Like Game of Thrones in real life, the city of Termessos is an untouched city that sits at an altitude of 1,000 meters above the mountain.

Alexander the Great, king of the Macedonian Empire was also not interested in ruling it.

The ancient city which was also called Eagle’s Nest lost its water supply around 200 AD and finally began to be abandoned. Thus, it is estimated that the city has been untouched for more than 1800 years.

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Baia is Las Vegas from the Roman Empire, a hedonistic vacation town that had villas and spas.

However, a number of natural phenomena then struck the city. Makes residents leave the city and looting occurs.

The city finally sank in a bay near Naples. Today, the city can be navigated by glass-bottom boat or by scuba.

One of the great mysteries of archeology in Africa is the city of Gedi, a large developed city on the coast of Kenya.

The city was found to have flushed toilets more than 600 years ago. However, it was abandoned for centuries.

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Once a city on par of Baghdad and Constantinople, Ani was a medieval Armenian city with a population of 200,000.

However, then the city was plundered and abandoned 500 years ago. Traces of life there can still be seen, like a church building, which now looks like a ghost town.

Geamana according to the story is a beautiful valley, with a mine at the foot of the hill.

The greedy Romanian dictatorship wanted to take more, but it ended in disaster.

In 1978, Geamana city abandoned by all its inhabitants and became a waste disposal site to submerge the city into a poisonous lake.

Roofs of several city buildings can still be seen above the water level, a sign of traces of past life.

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The city of Heracleion is one of the largest port cities in the world and the gateway to Egypt.

However, the city then sank in the Mediterranean Sea more than 2,200 years ago.

Nearly three miles (4,828 meters) off the coast of Egypt, the city was rediscovered by a French archaeologist in 2000.

Ruins of buildings found on the ocean floor include a 16 foot (4.9 m) high statue, a small sarcophagus that houses animal sacrifices, and a large shrine.

Just off the coast of a small island in Micronesia there are artificial islands.

More than 100 man -made islands filled with houses, warehouses, and government buildings.

Founded 800 years ago, but abandoned for hundreds of years.

Nan Madol also inspired the novelist HP Lovecraft, whose evil god Cthulhu hibernated in a submerged South Pacific city.

The place in the United States is most ironically named, kota Neversink, located in upstate New York which was founded in 1798.

Then in 1953, the city of New York needed a new reservoir, and Neversink was submerged, forming the Neversink reservoir.

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