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8th edition of the Accessible Cinema CycleUy | FIC

From August 27 to September 7 will be the 8th edition of the Cycle of Accessible CinemaUywhich invites you to enjoy accessible national films. All screenings will have subtitles and sign language for viewing and audio description for listening, allowing everyone to access the selected works. And to make the experience complete, it also has a magnetic ring, accessible physical spaces and communication content, host people in rooms and Uruguayan sign language interpreters.

In addition to the exhibitions, there will be talks with creative teams, master classes, workshops, and recreational and entertaining activities that will take place alongside the cycle to create a space for exchange, reflection, and raising awareness of the need to break down the barriers that various groups encounter in exercising their rights to access culture, leisure, and entertainment.

The AccessibleUy Film Series is a joint effort between the National Union of the Blind of Uruguay and its Redmate program, the Interdisciplinary Center for Communication and Accessibility and the Faculty of Information and Communication of the University of the Republic; the Catholic University of Uruguay and Monarca Films.

Access all the programming (click here).

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