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886 17-cent transactions

Record numbers, those recorded by the so-called Cashback cunning, with thousands of transactions from a few cents.

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The program officially began on 8 December cashback, with the aim of discouraging the use of cash and fighting tax evasion. In fact, a 10% refund, up to a maximum of 150 euros, against at least 50 transactions during the reference semester. Payments, we remind you, must be made using electronic tools, such as credit or debit cards. But not only that, to appeal to many, is the Super Cashback.

The latter, in fact, is giving away well 1.500 euro for the first 100,000 users who will carry out the largest number of electronic transactions from the beginning of 2021 to mid-2022. An incentive that has ended up at the center of the controversy, due to the now well-known cashback cunning. The latter, in fact, in order to climb the ranking, immediately got to work in order to be able to circumvent the rules through tricks of various types. A situation that certainly does not go unnoticed, which sees shopkeepers having to deal with thousands of transactions from a few cents.

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Cashback, crafty guys still in action: thousands of penny transactions

In the last period we have had to deal with a real boom of the so-called crafty cashback bonus, who try to use all possible methods in order to be able to increase the number of transactions. A clear example of this is the now well-known trick of splitting into many small payments for one purchase only. A story that certainly does not go unnoticed, especially as regards the petrol station, where the subjects in question are able to act undisturbed at night, thanks to self-service services.

Thousands of penny transactions recorded over the past few weeks, as evidenced by some data issued by an important oil company. Going into the details:

  • Carugate (MI) in first place with 1,092 supplies in a single facility with a single card, for an average amount of 0.24 euros per transaction;
  • Monreale (PA), 886 supplies, with an average amount equal to € 0.17 per transaction;
  • In Fiumicino (RM), in third place with 763 supplies from 0.09 euros the one;
  • Caltrano (VI), 700 supplies from € 0.12;
  • Sinnai (CA), 684 supplies from 0.26 euros;
  • Paderno (MI), 658 supplies of 0.08 euros;
  • Piedimonte San Germano (FR), 626 supplies from 0.25 euros;
  • Noto (SR), with 624 supplies from 0.30 euros;
  • Belpasso (CT), ben 617 supplies from € 0.35;
  • Sestu (CA), 601 supplies from 0.21 euros.

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Undoubtedly incredible numbers, which show how some have let the situation get carried away a little too much. A trick, that of micro payments, which could however backfire. In fact, many users have recently received a message asking them to provide explanations regarding some suspicious transactions. The recipients of these communications, therefore, have 7 days to prove the validity of the transactions. All that remains is to wait and see how the situation will evolve.

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