Home » today » News » 85-year-old stolen from home by fake tradesmen / Who observed suspicious people?

85-year-old stolen from home by fake tradesmen / Who observed suspicious people?

Darmstadt (ots) – As the police now know, an 85-year-old man was stolen from his apartment on Tuesday (23.2.) By allegedly two as yet unknown men. The criminal police in Darmstadt has started further investigations into trick theft and is looking for witnesses. Between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., one of the criminals rang the doorbell of the elderly gentleman in Heinrichstrasse and pretended to be a craftsman. He was instructed to take measurements in the rooms and asked to be admitted. In good faith, the senior followed the request and let the stranger into his apartment. While the wrong craftsman engaged the senior in a conversation, another accomplice probably took the opportunity, also entered the apartment and snatched money out of a pocket. Then both fled. The interviewer was described as about 30 to 40 years old and about 1.80 to 1.90 meters tall. He wore artisan clothing and spoke German without an accent. The officials do not currently have any further details regarding the personal descriptions. The investigators of the commissariat 24 do not rule out that the perpetrators have already rang the doorbell in advance or afterwards for other residents in the street. Could she be seen doing it? Against this background, witnesses who noticed suspicious people near the crime scene at the time of the crime are asked to contact the police. Everything pertinent will be received under the phone number 06151/9690.

Original content by: Police Headquarters South Hesse, transmitted by news aktuell

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