New maximum of daily infections in Galicia and well above the previous maximum, the 5,928 cases of yesterday. Today’s 8,343 new cases seemed like an unimaginable number weeks ago and come from 3,592 positive PCR tests and 4,751 other diagnostic tests, many of them carried out by the infected themselves and reported to the Xunta de Galicia by the new self-diagnosis system. Active cases and incidence reach new highs in the pandemic, and at this rate it does not seem unreasonable to think that this week or the next they may exceed 100,000. 2.5% of Galicians have had coronavirus in the last two weeks.
The hospital situation improves today, with 4 fewer patients than yesterday. Those hospitalized on the ward drop from 462 to 453 (-9), and those in the ICU rise from 48 to 53 (+5). In the last 24 hours, another 2 deaths have been reported. Patients in hospital are 152 more than last Wednesday, but there are 3 fewer admitted to the ICU.
By health areas, today all except Santiago de Compostela reach a new maximum of infections of the entire pandemic, highlighting the 2,255 in Vigo and the 1,660 in A Coruña.
These are the most relevant data today:
- The number of 8,343 new cases increased by 3,378 compared to 3,815 last Tuesday, 55.4% more.
- Active cases rise to 76,276, an increase of 4,772 infected.
- The number of hospitalized people drops from 510 to 506, 152 more than a week ago.
- The incidence at 14 days rises 140 points to 2,569 and the incidence at 7 days rises 125 points to 1,383 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
today wednesday More diagnoses are registered than the 4,965 on Wednesday, January 5. Today’s 8,348 new cases include self-diagnoses and 3,592 cases confirmed by PCR, which are the 41,98% of positive diagnoses of 8,556 PCR tests, while last Wednesday’s 4,965 were 37.67% of positives of 13,177 tests.
On the Sergas data website it says that in the last 24 hours 3,592 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed by PCR, but the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (302,898) and yesterday ( 294,555) is 8,343 people, with the 4,751 difference being mostly self-diagnoses. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.
In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 8,343 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, 2 deaths and 3,569 discharges, which makes The cases of coronavirus rise by 4,772 people, going from 71,504 yesterday to 76,276 today.
The total number of hospitalized patients drops from 510 to 506. Last Wednesday there were 354 hospitalized, 152 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 302,898.
Evolution of the number of infections and active cases
New confirmed cases in the last 14 days
Infections and active cases by health area
Active cases by health area
- A Coruña: 14,625 (+1,002)
- Ferrol: 4,636 (+168)
- Lugo: 7.919 (+625)
- Ourense: 9,615 (+440)
- Pontevedra: 8,632 (+442)
- Santiago: 13.343 (+728)
- Vigo: 17.506 (+1.367)
- Total: 76.276 (+4.772)
New infections by health area
- A Coruña: 1,660 (+489)
- Ferrol: 390 (+18)
- Lugo: 873 (+299)
- Ourense: 861 (+124)
- Pontevedra: 940 (+292)
- Santiago: 1.364 (`+358)
- Vigo: 2.255 (+836)
Incidence by Galician city
- A Coruña: 1,855 (-64)
- Ferrol: 2,045 (-100)
- Lugo: 2.447 (-25)
- Ourense: 3,041 (-24)
- Pontevedra: 2,182 (-118)
- Santiago: 2.401 (-36)
- Vigo: 2.078 (-34)
More than 200 infections in the last 7 days
- Vigo 2 739
- A Coruña 1 972
- Ourense 1 502
- Lugo 1 036
- Santiago de Compostela 942
- Pontevedra 704
- Ferrol 574
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 486
- Carballo 340
- Potters 331
- Culleredo 318
- Narón 305
- Ames 301
- Ribeira 287
- Redondela 287
- O Porriño 278
- Arteixo 267
- The Boat of Valdeorras 245
- Ponteareas 241
- Cangas 231
- the road 224
- Lalín 200
More than 200 infections in the last 14 days
- Vigo 6 139
- A Coruña 4 557
- Ourense 3,200
- Lugo 2 405
- Santiago de Compostela 2 335
- Pontevedra 1 812
- Ferrol 1 351
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 1 035
- Ames 893
- Ribeira 843
- Narón 780
- Potters 705
- Carballo 690
- Culleredo 689
- Redondela 633
- O Porriño 610
- Arteixo 595
- Cangas 588
- O Barco de Valdeorras 557
- the 552 road
- Boiro 526
- Marin 508
- Bridges 482
- Verín 431
- Cambre 413
- Teo 404
- Nigran 398
- Cambados 394
- Lalín 394
- Mos 391
- O Carballiño 386
- The Laracha 376
- Tui 367
- Sarria 366
- Monforte de Lemos 354
- Moaña 349
- girl 342
- Gondomar 333
- Burela 329
- Xinzo de Limia 306
- Sanxenxo 306
- Barbadás 305
- Bayonne 298
- Betanzos 293
- A Pobra do Caramiñal 280
- Orders 274
- Caldas de Reis 268
- Pole 263
- Porto do Son 258
- Salceda de Caselas 258
- Nursery 257
- O Grove 244
- Fen 239
- Tomiño 236
- walls 220
- Rianxo 217
- Vilalba 210
- Cee 204
Data by health areas
A Coruña
- Active cases: 14,625 (+1,002)
- Contagions: 1,660 (+489)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,279 (+223)
- Average infections last 7 days: 1,048 (+96)
- Hospitalized floor: 99 (+11)
- Hospitalized ICU: 14 (+1)
- Active cases: 4,636 (+168)
- Contagions: 390 (+18)
- Average infections last 3 days: 345 (+23)
- Average infections last 7 days: 311 (+11)
- Hospitalized floor: 27 (-2)
- Hospitalized ICU: 4 (+2)
- Active cases: 7,919 (+625)
- Contagions: 873 (+299)
- Average infections last 3 days: 652 (+97)
- Average infections last 7 days: 554 (+43)
- Hospitalized floor: 51 (+3)
- Hospitalized ICU: 5 (+1)
- Active cases: 9,615 (+440)
- Contagions: 861 (+124)
- Average infections last 3 days: 732 (+53)
- Average infections last 7 days: 685 (+24)
- Hospitalized floor: 66 (-3)
- Hospitalized ICU: 8 (+2)
- Active cases: 8,632 (+442)
- Contagions: 940 (+292)
- Average infections last 3 days: 736 (+141)
- Average infections last 7 days: 606 (+95)
- Hospitalized floor: 66 (+5)
- Hospitalized ICU: 7 (=)
- Active cases: 13,343 (+728)
- Contagions: 1,364 (+358)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,020 (+211)
- Average infections last 7 days: 831 (+49)
- Hospitalized floor: 63 (-8)
- Hospitalized ICU: 6 (+1)
- Active cases: 17,506 (+1,367)
- Contagions: 2,255 (+836)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,647 (+170)
- Average infections last 7 days: 1,325 (+195)
- Hospitalized floor: 81 (-15)
- Hospitalized ICU: 11 (=)
Deaths and weekly evolution
The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,829 people, with 2 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,210 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 506 (-4), divided into 53 (+5) in the ICU and 453 (-9) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 3,432,480, of which 8,556 in the last 24 hours, with 41.98% positive.
The week continues much worse than the previous one, and from Monday to Wednesday 19,242 infections have been registered, 64.76% more than last week. The last few weeks have ended with 29,797, 30,751, 14,665, 8,158, 6,259, 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,138, 1,9917, 3,5,127, 3,5,127, 3,5,127 6,974, 8,414, 9,090, 7,085, 2,991, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,780, 2,498 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections respectively.