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83% less corn was exported due to the effect of the weather

During the first two months of 2022, corn exports decreased 83%, almost 570 thousand tons less than the same period in 2021, according to the Foreign Trade report of the Paraguayan Chamber of Exporters and Marketers of Cereals and Oilseeds (Capeco).

Between January and February of this year, Paraguay exported only 114,643 tons of corn, which indicates a decrease of 565,277 tons (-83%), considering that at the end of the second month of 2021, 679,920 tons had been exported.

Regarding foreign currency income, in the first two months they generated US$ 29,665,750, that is, a negative variation of US$ 96,605,961 (-76.5%), since in the same period of 2021 the corn shipments generated US$ 126,271,711.

Regarding exports, Sonia Tomassone, Capeco’s Foreign Trade advisor, indicated that until February the 2021 harvest corn continued to be exported (May 2021 to April 2022). She explained that during this period 1.2 million tons of grain have been exported, which is 50% less than what was recorded in the previous harvest.

Tomassone pointed out that the lower export of the cereal was the result of the 1.5 million tons less produced in 2021, due to adverse agroclimatic conditions, delays in the planting season and other situations that considerably affected production, which also It has repercussions throughout the chain (poultry, pork, livestock in general, ethanol and other industries).

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Currently, the demand for grain at the domestic level is between 1.5 and 2 million tons, which are industrialized in the country, so the decrease in production strongly affects the family basket.

The Capeco adviser stressed that this situation has been further complicated by the closure of routes and the delay in the departure of trucks to Brazil, due to the strikes of the Federal Revenue and MAPA officials.

In terms of markets, Brazil is the main destination for domestic corn, accounting for 98% of shipments abroad.

Regarding the ranking of exporters, Agrofertil continues to lead the list with 22% of the total shipped. They are followed by Lar (19%), Cargill (10%), Coopasam (6%) and other companies.

In total, 63 companies were responsible for grain exports from the 2021 harvest to the first two months of 2022.

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