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811 new infections and active cases rise to 9,564

The situation in Galicia continues to worsen and in all probability tomorrow or the day after 10,000 active cases will be exceeded of Covid, something that had not happened since August. Today the infections increase only 15.2% compared to last Wednesday, but the data is conditioned by the Monday holiday, so less PCR has been done than usual, and in fact the percentage of positive PCR has reached a new maximum of this wave, 12.4%. In a few days we will know if the slowdown in the growth of new infections is confirmed. The pandemic continues to progress at two speeds. The north of Galicia maintains a relatively low incidence, and in fact the central and northern part of the province of Lugo is already registering fewer infections. The south of the community continues to worsen, especially the city of Pontevedra, although Ourense is the most affected and its incidence has already reached 1,160.

Hospital pressure increases again today, with 5 more admitted to the ward and the same in the ICU, making the total hospitalized increase from 246 to 251, 82 more than last Wednesday.

Today Vigo and Ourense are again above 200 active cases, while Pontevedra and A Coruña again exceed 100. Ferrol, Lugo and Santiago continue with a number of infections much lower than the rest of Galicia.

These are the most relevant data today:

  • The number of new cases increases by 107 compared to 704 last Wednesday.
  • Active cases rise to 9,564, an increase of 536 infected.
  • The number of hospitalized people rises from 246 to 251, 82 more than a week ago.
  • The incidence at 14 days rises 16 points to 342 and the incidence at 7 days rises 4 points to 205 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

today wednesday more diagnoses are registered than the 704 of Wednesday, December 1. Today’s 811 new cases are the 12,4% of positive diagnoses of 6,539 PCR tests, while last Wednesday’s 704 were 10.03% of positives of 7,017 tests.

On the Sergas data website, it says that in the last 24 hours 811 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed by PCR, and the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (196,207) and that of yesterday ( 195,396) is 811 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.

In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 811 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 and 267 high, which makes The cases of coronavirus rise by 536 people, going from 9,028 yesterday to 9,564 today.

The total of hospitalized rises from 246 to 251. Last Wednesday there were 169 hospitalized, 82 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 196,207.

Evolution of the number of infections and active cases

New confirmed cases in the last 14 days




Infections and active cases by health area

Active cases by health area

  • A Coruna: 1,308 (+103)
  • Ferrol: 409 (=)
  • Lugo: 684 (+5)
  • Ourense: 2,386 (+145)
  • Pontevedra: 1,251 (+107)
  • Santiago: 646 (+7)
  • Vigo: 2.880 (+169)
  • Total: 9.564 (+536)

New infections by health area

  • A Coruna: 129
  • Ferrol: 28
  • Lugo: 40
  • Ourense: 214
  • Pontevedra: 125
  • Santiago: 38
  • Vigo: 237

Incidence by Galician city

  • A Coruna: 225 (+22)
  • Ferrol: 292 (+7)
  • Lugo: 218 (-7)
  • Ourense: 1,160 (+53)
  • Pontevedra: 465 (+52)
  • Santiago: 172 (=)
  • Vigo: 467 (+9)

Data by health areas

A Coruna

  • Active cases: 1,308 (+103)
  • Contagions: 129 (+53)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 94 (+6)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 104 (+4)
  • Hospitalized floor: 21 (-2)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 4 (+1)


  • Active cases: 409 (=)
  • Contagions: 28 (-1)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 25 (-8)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 29 (=)
  • Hospitalized floor: 16 (-3)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 0 (=)


  • Active cases: 684 (+5)
  • Contagions: 40 (-7)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 44 (-2)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 49 (-5)
  • Hospitalized floor: 10 (+3)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 4 (-1)


  • Active cases: 2,386 (+145)
  • Contagions: 214 (+58)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 185 (+4)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 192 (+7)
  • Hospitalized floor: 62 (-4)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 7 (=)


  • Active cases: 1,251 (+107)
  • Contagions: 125 (-4)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 122 (+3)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 117 (=)
  • Hospitalized floor: 36 (=)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 2 (-1)


  • Active cases: 646 (+7)
  • Contagions: 38 (-3)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 37 (-10)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 51 (-1)
  • Hospitalized floor: 11 (+1)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 3 (=)


  • Active cases: 2,880 (+169)
  • Contagions: 237 (+47)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 217 (-42)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 247 (+3)
  • Hospitalized floor: 50 (=)
  • UCI hospitalizations: 14 (=)

Infections in the last 7 days

  1. Vigo 794
  2. Ourense 705
  3. A Coruna 334
  4. Pontevedra 286
  5. O Porriño 126
  6. Redondela 119
  7. Moaña 112
  8. Marin 108
  9. Vilagarcía de Arousa 108
  10. Ferrol 107
  11. Lugo 100
  12. Barbadás 88
  13. Santiago de Compostela 87
  14. Ponteareas 78
  15. Cangas 75
  16. Bueu 71
  17. Tui 69
  18. Potters 57
  19. Oak 52
  20. O Carballiño 50
  21. Mos 46
  22. Cambre 43
  23. Salvaterra de Miño 43
  24. Salceda de Caselas 42
  25. Arteixo 39
  26. Culleredo 37
  27. Cambados 33
  28. Vilalba 32
  29. Gondomar 32
  30. Nigrán 32
  31. San Cibrao das Viñas 31
  32. Bayonne 31
  33. Tomiño 30
  34. Verín 29
  35. Ames 28
  36. Ribeira 28
  37. Baths of Molgas 28
  38. Narón 27
  39. Girl 27
  40. Poio 27
  41. Soutomaior 26
  42. Xinzo de Limia 25
  43. Fene 23
  44. Chantada 23
  45. O Saviñao 22
  46. Ponte Caldelas 22
  47. Monforte de Lemos 21
  48. Coles 21
  49. A Pobra de Trives 21
  50. Ribadavia 21
  51. Now 20
  52. The Boat of Valdeorras 20
  53. Vilamarín 20
  54. Vilaboa 20
  55. Lalín 19
  56. Allariz 18
  57. Sanxenxo 18
  58. Taboada 17
  59. Pereiro de Aguiar 17
  60. A Look 17
  61. Caldas de Reis 15
  62. Zas 14
  63. Ramirás 14
  64. Mondariz 14
  65. Carral 13
  66. A Pobra do Caramiñal 13
  67. Celanova 13
  68. Paderne de Allariz 13
  69. Cerceda 12
  70. Folgoso do Courel 12
  71. The Veiga 12
  72. Mazaricos 11
  73. Somozas 11
  74. Oza-Cesuras 11
  75. Quiroga 11
  76. O Grove 11
  77. Moraña 11
  78. Vilanova de Arousa 11
  79. Fog 10
  80. Cabana de Bergantiños 10
  81. Coristanco 10
  82. A Laracha 10
  83. Malpica de Bergantiños 10
  84. Santa Comba 10
  85. Sarria 10
  86. Carballeda de Avia 10
  87. Maceda 10

Infections in the last 14 days

  1. Vigo 1 380
  2. Ourense 1 221
  3. A Coruna 553
  4. Pontevedra 386
  5. Lugo 214
  6. O Porriño 197
  7. Ferrol 193
  8. Barbadás 186
  9. Redondela 173
  10. Vilagarcía de Arousa 170
  11. Santiago de Compostela 167
  12. Moaña 159
  13. Marin 149
  14. Cangas 113
  15. O Carballiño 111
  16. Ponteareas 110
  17. Bueu 107
  18. Potters 100
  19. Tui 92
  20. Cambre 91
  21. Mos 80
  22. Carballo 78
  23. Salceda de Caselas 71
  24. Salvaterra de Miño 66
  25. Arteixo 64
  26. Fene 62
  27. Allariz 62
  28. Narón 58
  29. Culleredo 56
  30. Girl 56
  31. Gondomar 56
  32. Tomiño 54
  33. Poio 51
  34. Chantada 48
  35. Vilalba 47
  36. San Cibrao das Viñas 44
  37. Oza-Cesuras 43
  38. Nigrán 43
  39. Ribeira 41
  40. Bayonne 41
  41. Ames 40
  42. The Saviñao 40
  43. Cambados 40
  44. Monforte de Lemos 39
  45. Coles 39
  46. Soutomaior 39
  47. Baths of Molgas 36
  48. O Grove 36
  49. Xinzo de Limia 35
  50. Pereiro de Aguiar 35
  51. Verín 34
  52. Lalín 34
  53. The Boat of Valdeorras 33
  54. Ramirás 32
  55. Ribadavia 32
  56. Now 31
  57. Caldelas Bridge 30
  58. Ribadeo 27
  59. Sanxenxo 26
  60. Vilaboa 26
  61. A Pobra de Trives 25
  62. Vilanova de Arousa 25
  63. Celanova 24
  64. Mondariz 23
  65. Taboada 22
  66. Sarria 21
  67. Padrenda 21
  68. Vilamarín 21
  69. A Pobra do Caramiñal 20
  70. Paderne de Allariz 20
  71. Caldas de Reis 19
  72. A Watch 19
  73. Moraña 19
  74. Fog 18
  75. Carral 18
  76. Cerceda 18
  77. Malpica de Bergantiños 18
  78. King’s Hill 18
  79. Amoeiro 18
  80. Ribadumia 18
  81. Betanzos 17
  82. Porto do Son 17
  83. Teo 17
  84. the road 17
  85. O Rosal 17
  86. Cerdedo-Cotobade 17
  87. A Laracha 16
  88. Miño 16
  89. Folgoso do Courel 16
  90. Taboadela 16
  91. The Veiga 16
  92. Working conditions 16
  93. Cee 15
  94. Coristanco 15
  95. Mazaricos 15
  96. Zas 15
  97. The Bridges of García Rodríguez 13
  98. Santa Comba 13
  99. Quiroga 13
  100. Xunqueira de Ambia 13
  101. Maceda 13
  102. Brión 12
  103. Carballedo 12
  104. Carballeda de Avia 12
  105. Silleda 12
  106. Lousame 11
  107. Muxía 11
  108. Orders 11
  109. Somozas 11
  110. Tordoia 11
  111. melon 11
  112. The Peroxa 11
  113. Cabana de Bergantiños 10
  114. Valdoviño 10
  115. Folders 10
  116. Walnut of Ramuín 10
  117. 10th Street
  118. The Snows 10


Deaths and weekly evolution

The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,690 people, with 8 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,071 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 251 (+5), divided into 35 (=) in the ICU and 216 (+5) in hospitalization units. The total number of PCR tests carried out is 3,057,138, of which 6,539 in the last 24 hours, with 12.4% positive.

The week starts worse than the previous one, and the 2,176 cases from Monday to Wednesday are 34.9% more than last week. The last few weeks have ended with 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,138, 1,995, 3,317, 4,157, 5,273, 6,974, 8,414, 1,0915, 7,0915, 9,0915 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 contagion respectively.








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