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8000 jumbo jets to deliver the vaccine

A COVID-19 still has no solution! One of the most promising (AstraZeneca) has been suspended, but other investigations are ongoing. What we know so far is that COVID-19 has put us to the test and the challenges are more than many.

In the aviation area, a huge challenge may also be on the way! According to information, 8,000 jumbo jets will be needed to distribute the vaccine worldwide.

The warning comes from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which reveals that there are strong limitations with regard to airplanes to distribute the vaccine worldwide. However, although there is still no vaccine, all the organizational work, contacts with airlines, airports, health organizations, pharmaceutical companies ... is already underway.

COVID-19 vaccine will have to be delivered to 7.8 billion people

Alexandre de Juniac, IATA CEO said that…

Safe distribution of Covid-19 vaccines will be the mission of the century for the global air cargo industry. But that will not happen without careful planning. We urge governments to take the lead in facilitating cooperation across the logistics chain so that facilities, security issues and border processes are ready for the huge and complex task that lies ahead.

Alexandre de Juniac also draws attention to the fact that the need to supply only a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to 7.8 billion people will require 8,000 Boeing 747 cargo planes. However, vaccines can also be administered in several doses. It should also be noted that vaccines must be kept at adequate temperatures, which means that not all plans are valid for this mega operation.

It is true that many of the vaccines can also be delivered by land transport. However, they will have to be sent to other countries.

IATA warned that, with the severe reduction in passenger traffic, airlines have reduced their fleets, placing many aircraft in their warehouses.


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