6.03.2021 11:15
(Akt. 6.03.2021 11:15)
In addition to the hospital employees of the Vienna Health Association, 8,000 administrative employees of the Vienna hospitals were also vaccinated.
Not only 22,000 hospital employees of the Vienna Health Association (WIGev) now had access to corona vaccinations. These were also offered to 8,000 administrative employees, including people without direct care contact with patients, reports the news magazine “profil” in its next issue. These included, for example, technicians, cleaning staff and accountants.
Vaccinated people are often out and about in hospitals
The directors of the WIGev and their 50 office employees could also get vaccinated, according to “profil”. The initial vaccination campaign for the entire WIGev staff was completed last week. A spokesman for City Councilor for Health Peter Hacker (SPÖ) justifies the administration’s vaccination to the magazine by saying that directors and administrative employees also have appointments in the hospitals or go in and out there, even if they work from home. The WienerGesundheitsverbund (formerly the hospital association) manages eight hospitals and nine nursing homes in the city of Vienna.
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